Montag, Januar 12, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:11 anyone out there still manually visiting blogs and not using Google Reader? check out their Getting Started Guide: #
  • 13:57 hwhoa, someone remind me to re-listen to this Driscoll teaching next time I'm being selfish. Maaajor kick in the pants. #
  • 14:06 interesting: Christianity is no longer Americans' default faith. #
  • 15:56 @Trupedo_Glastic no just currently listening to his Song of Songs series. hard-hitting, good stuff, just a tad xtreme every now and then IMO #
  • 16:16 RT @jonskeet "You want to catch the exception? You can't *handle* the exception!" - especially funny cause it's jonskeet. #
  • 17:02 feierabend, baby! #
  • 22:48 Had a great small group, basically just hanging out, talking and finally praying together. #
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