Sonntag, Mai 31, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 23:12 just watched Dumb and Dumber with Chris. Ah such nostalgia. "..where beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano." #fb #
  • 18:59 hacking away at my pet web app, taking advantage of having the oh-so-quiet empty house all to myself. bittersweet. #fb #
  • 20:56 ok the first ten people to direct message or Facebook-message me will get an alpha(!) invite to my prayer networking web app Prayr. GO #fb #
  • 22:13 RT @LoneEel Pretty sure you can't call yourself "pro-life" when you have committed murder. #tiller #
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Samstag, Mai 30, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 17:47 interesting in Revelation 1:7 that it starts with the present tense. "...who is and was and is to come". God is the ever-present "I AM". #fb #
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Freitag, Mai 29, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 10:10 back at work. btw while i was gone, our company released version 9 of the software i work on: i-net Crystal-Clear yay! #fb #
  • 10:15 Google Wave is pretty exciting stuff. As DVDs to cassette tapes, so Google Wave to email. #
  • 18:07 quote of the week: "Don't tweet while having sex." - John Piper #fb #
  • 21:12 whoa, the Google Wave demo is just un.believable. if you don't have time, just scroll around in the video. it's worth it. #
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Donnerstag, Mai 28, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 19:04 home sweet home. what a great time (#ELF). loads of stuff to process & think through and read(bought ~18 new books at 60% off(!) retail) #fb #
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Dienstag, Mai 26, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 15:48 Well the #ELF has been excellent so far. This morning: Lennox on Joseph was one of the highlights. I am so pumped...but miss Stephi+kids #fb #
  • 21:26 about to hopefully skype with Stephi. then: jazz concert by William Edgars down in the bar with a nice Heiniken and good company. #ELF #fb #
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Montag, Mai 25, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:51 Talked w/ a Muslim-turned-Christian. Get this: one of the keys why he started doubting Islam was Russell's "Why I'm not a Christian" :D #ELF #
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Sonntag, Mai 24, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 19:48 John Lennox: "Standing here before you I feel like an old mangy lion in a den of Daniels" #ELF #
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Samstag, Mai 23, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 19:35 This afternoon was: Habermas' seminar on the critical(!) consensus(!) that there are known eyewitnesses of resurrection by ~31-33AD #fb #ELF #
  • 20:43 "there are two types of leaders: oak trees (take 15+ years to bear fruit, but then live for 1000+ years)...and cucumbers (98% water)" #ELF #
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Freitag, Mai 22, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:30 laughing at "Distraction, Comfort, Sedation" surely a joke...uh...right? #fb #
  • 11:38 grinding out code like there's no tomorrow... so fun. #
  • 12:27 The first Dilbert comic in quite a while to actually make me laugh out loud: #
  • 16:06 REALLY excited about going to the ELF in Budapest tomorrow. Grudem and co. are going to make my mind explode. E.g.: #fb #
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Donnerstag, Mai 21, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:19 lying in bed catching up on the world. makes me think of #
  • 08:41 just wanted to plug my brother david's photo site. he's really good if you ask me. #fb #
  • 16:03 @bobhyatt "yeah but the whole modesty thing is soooo 1st century, we're enlightened and past that bla bla bla..." ;-) #
  • 16:10 chillaxing after a (rained out but fun) day on "Peacock Island" (, nice feeling to be inside, dry, and warm. #fb #
  • 21:57 glad 4 stephi who who went to watch star trek w/toby & @speedymichi. trying for the first time to give luke a bottle...wish me luck #fb #
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Mittwoch, Mai 20, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 09:04 Joshua woke up this morning just fine, looks like he can go home today, God is great #
  • 12:24 yay! joshua has really recovered quickly from the operation (surprising the nurses), and we are now home! thanks to those who prayed! #fb #
  • 13:34 @aslanschild wow. that's pretty intense. sorry about the stove though. :( #
  • 16:52 we just realized we got a random one-time "kinder bonus" of 300€ from the city! i like surprises like that, i must say... :D #fb #
  • 19:07 @yllwldblly an extra lump sum they gave out in addition to the normal "Kindergeld" #
  • 21:47 watching Eagle Eye. Kinda fun, but not even close to being as good as Minority Report to which it has quite the resemblance. #fb #
  • 22:23 set up a account for my lil' prayer networking tool. rocks. Such a great idea. #
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Dienstag, Mai 19, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:09 ♫ zohombay *hiccup* zohombay *hiccup* zohomabay *hiccup* ay *hiccup* ay *hiccup* ay *hiccup* oh *hiccup* oh *hiccup* oh *hiccup*... ♫ #fb #
  • 09:58 "it's almost always fiction in the end, content begins to bend when context is never the same." so glad that's not true. :) #fb #
  • 14:26 excited about our oh-so-secret ;) up-and-coming Eclipse plugin for keeping documentation up-to-date. currently testing it internally. #fb #
  • 15:36 please pray. stephi just called and said joshua smacked his nose really, really bad on the living room table. she's called an ambulance. #fb #
  • 15:54 latest on joshua: bleeding stopped. Stephi thinks nose might be broken. big gash above nose between the eyes. ambulance not there yet #fb #
  • 16:04 latest on joshua: ambulance came, they're on their way to the hospital to check for internal injury. lucy is w/the kids til i get there. #fb #
  • 21:15 Joshua just woke up from the operation, he got stiches on the nose but it is not broken, doing good, stays with me in the hospital #fb #
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Montag, Mai 18, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:38 twitter is turning into a primitive meme breeding ground. top trends today: #3turnoffwords #3hotwords #whocangetit #musicmonday. *rolleyes* #
  • 08:39 jumping into the work week... #
  • 09:56 listening to fleet foxes again, realizing it is quickly becoming one of my favorite albums of all time. great coding music, btw. #fb #
  • 12:30 Grönemeyer's "Deine Liebe Klebt" could be useful for cross-cultural training. US and German cultures are SO different. #fb #
  • 13:10 getting back on top of my emails #
  • 16:37 @aslanschild @MrPink banana cream pie?! never had that before i think. sounds good though... #
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Sonntag, Mai 17, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 23:14 @ajvan hilarious, i came up with that idea myself once. but i didn't have that cool term for it. should have, then i'd be rich&famous now... #
  • 23:57 ooh! @tallskinnykiwi himself mentioned me by name on his blog! i'm famous! must say something witty to keep the fame alive... #
  • 23:58 @epaga hmmm guess you just blew that opportunity... #
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Samstag, Mai 16, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 10:12 playing around with #wolframalpha. impression so far: HUGE potential but not all that useful YET. #fb #
  • 14:25 for those who enjoy poker: this youtube video is amazing. unreal #badbeat on 1st hand of world series of poker '05. #fb #
  • 15:24 don't know if this works, but if so, it'd be fun: watch Joshua's birthday party LIVE #fb #
  • 16:36 the birthday games are about to begin... (Broadcasting live at #
  • 20:48 @zadokthepriest in the "The Village" podcast, I think it's part 2 or 3 of the "The Cause" series. great sermon BTW... #
  • 20:49 phew the birthday party day is over, and we're both dead. Watching Grey's Anatomy while simultaneously chilling on the laptop. #fb #
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Freitag, Mai 15, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:36 ooh that's mean @tomkpunkt they should have called it "Star Trek 90210" #
  • 08:59 @speedymichi hab für dich gebetet! alles gute! #
  • 09:21 plugging away at a ton of little tasks today. that's nice because it FEELS like major productivity when it's not necessarily so. #fb #
  • 09:49 the only thing that's ever come close to potentially being a "google killer": wolfram alpha. see it in action! #fb #
  • 10:35 looking at code i wrote two years ago, thinking "john you idiot!". i hope it won't be like that two years from now... #
  • 12:14 wow! RT @crookoo coldplay is giving away their latest album! #fb #
  • 13:06 listening to matt chandler give a hilarious 8-minute summary of Empire Strikes Back. for no real reason. yes, in his teaching. so random. :D #
  • 21:10 yay! about to watch the final episode part 1 of the current LOST season...sooo looking forward to it. #fb #
  • 22:27 dude this is intense stuff. 20 more minutes left.... #LOST #
  • 22:37 ahhh!!! the episode player crashed with 10 minutes left in the episode! noooo! quickly starting up stephi's computer to watch from there #fb #
  • 22:57 just finished the last LOST episode. SO awesome. can't believe it'll be almost another year before the final season starts. :-( #fb #
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Donnerstag, Mai 14, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 07:31 "He [Jesus] is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation." Colossians 1:15 #journal #
  • 09:39 i love the simplicity of sdedit (sequence diagram creator). really helps to get an overview of what's going on in code #fb #
  • 10:17 i personally don't mind the whole #fixreplies thing. this way i don't see nonsense (2 me) entries like "@abc yeah he said the same thing". #
  • 10:25 i love the smell of refactored classes in the morning... #
  • 12:50 having some fun with jquery during my lunch break. so i'm a geek...your point is? #fb #
  • 17:00 feierabend, baby #fb #
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Mittwoch, Mai 13, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 07:29 "The Lord of hosts has a day against all that is proud and lofty, against all that is lifted up-it shall be brought low" - Isaiah 2:2 #
  • 08:12 @gammaproduction you do realize that all 4 of your last 4 tweets are Apple ads. wait a second....are you getting paid? :) #
  • 09:55 planning out the coming 3-week sprint...will be working on our ad hoc reporting feature. #
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Dienstag, Mai 12, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 06:58 starting to read Isaiah today. Looking forward to it, it's been a long time since I've read it and it's one of my fav. books of the Bible#fb #
  • 07:12 "Let's reason tog., says the Lord: tho yr sins r like scarlet, they'll be white as snow; tho they're red like crimson, they'll be like wool" #
  • 13:18 thinking how i love stephi and that it'll be awesome to grow old with her. (feel free to tell her i tweeted this. brownie points FTW...) #fb #
  • 16:20 hope i can find or make the time to read the free book by CJ Mahaney on "Biblical Productivity" thanks @noeljesse #fb #
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Montag, Mai 11, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:22 "V.C. Barcelona" - all characters have (quote)'chronic dissatisfaction' despite sexual escapades with each other. sad. GREAT acting by cruz. #
  • 08:26 great article on the sadness and grief of mother's day for many (including the author). #fb #
  • 09:31 forgot my wallet this morning (d'oh!) #
  • 13:29 decided to keep an activity log of my week in a GSpreadsheet to see where all my time is going..looking forward to seeing the results... #fb #
  • 15:02 doing some highly repetitive manual comparison work on our test results---full speed ahead, let's get this over with. #
  • 16:59 done with the repetitive task. very much looking forward to not doing that again. feierabend! #
  • 21:43 funniest LOST scene. evar. "who is the president of the United States?" Hugo: "... ....... all right, dude, we're from the future." :D #fb #
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Sonntag, Mai 10, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 00:03 had a great, unexpectedly (& much-needed) relaxing day. now: up way too late. somebody tell me to get to bed. #
  • 16:04 deeply grateful for my wife and for my mom. thanks so much for reflecting God's selflessness & underappreciatedness (is that a word?). #fb #
  • 20:06 starting up Woody Allen's "Vicky Cristina Barcelona"...have only heard that it's great, and a bit like Match Point (which i loved).we'll see #
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Samstag, Mai 09, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 10:18 bummed 4 Joshua. his big b-day party was planned 4 today but he threw up this morning again so we canceled it. :( he's taken it so well tho #
  • 12:47 Joshua: *sniff* *sniff* ... ooh, somebody poopsed (i.e. farted). Me: *sniff* ... you're right. ... uh...was it you? Joshua: .... yeah. #
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Freitag, Mai 08, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 09:26 can't believe it's been 4 years today since Joshua (our 1st of our 3) was born. it simultaneously feels shorter AND longer. #
  • 12:19 *sigh* another gmail outage. OH NOEZZZ!!1!!1! teh w0rld is coming 2 an end!!1!!! #
  • 12:20 LOL so true RT @s_tellar: I secretly love it when gmail goes down. #
  • 12:54 the funniest thing i've heard all week: Afghanistan's only known pig quarantined in flu fear #fb #
  • 14:02 launching a fully justified pre-emptive strike on my possible afternoon comatose state with some hot black liquid filled with caffeine. #
  • 16:28 thinking that even in her wildest dreams, Winona Ryder never imagined she'd play Spock's mom. #
  • 21:01 teaching prep on "Holy Spirit and us"..getting the "o God please don't let me screw this up"-feeling. incredibly important, weighty stuff... #
  • 22:21 "herbie hancock & chick corea" are currently on my finetune station, and they are just AWESOME. wow. just incredible improv piano jazz duet. #
  • 22:56 heading home. very, very much looking forward to my bed. it's been a crazy full week. tomorrow: big b-day party for Joshua. #fb #
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Donnerstag, Mai 07, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 09:21 @speedymichi all set for extreme gemeinsam-lunching? #
  • 10:30 @speedymichi Yup, ACK. That is, if that means "yes". #
  • 12:01 Yay! Hab schon drauf gewartet. RT @Trupedo_Glastic The Shack auf deutsch ("Die Hütte"). Leseprobe hier: #fb #
  • 12:05 feeling like all morning i keep taking a step forward then two steps back... #
  • 14:14 realizing i will have to cram sermon prep into a late night some time - it's joshua's 4th birthday tomorrow! #
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Mittwoch, Mai 06, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:38 WOW, incredible article. "A Few Like You": Will the Church be the Church for Homosexual Christians? #fb #
  • 08:42 Thanks for that linked article @LA_Gregory, just awesome. #
  • 09:52 just heard Josh woke up feeling sick to his stomach and all apathetic. poor kiddo. :( when one of your kids is sick, you feel so helpless. #
  • 13:47 rainy afternoon. chilloding (chilling+coding) to the sound of Bonobo in my ear...looking forward to the Star Trek premiere tonight... #
  • 15:12 allow me to quote Jack Johnson: "la da da-da da-da, la da-da da da da da..." #
  • 23:03 Back from Star Trek. Other than major plot gap(why did Kirk just happen to run into Spock in the cave??), a great, funny, exciting flick. A- #
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Dienstag, Mai 05, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:11 Happy belated Star Wars Day. May the Fourth be with you. #fb #
  • 13:11 man i wish i could teach like Matt Chandler...his teaching on "Good Guilt" is just frickin' excellent stuff. #
  • 13:37 LOL @ current Twitter meme of "Google Got Shut Down" #
  • 20:43 enjoying a *great* commentary track on my b-day present from Joshua: Se7en (no, he hasn't seen it :P) #fb #
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Montag, Mai 04, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:15 "Sad: much of Christian activity is sharing an answer 4 people's needs that few of the sharers are experiencing themselves"-We Would See Him #
  • 12:00 our office windows are being cleaned, for the first time in's about time we worked on our transparency... #
  • 13:33 just installed "selective twitter" so i only update my facebook status with a tweet when i want to. nice idea. #fb #
  • 19:04 excited because I just figured out how to send a GMail email from within Java. Sweet! #
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Sonntag, Mai 03, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 21:53 bummed because hotspot shield doesn't seem to be working for anymore. "bla bla bla bla United States only bla bla bla..." :( #
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Samstag, Mai 02, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 14:12 getting some sermon prep crammed in while the kids are taking a nap. #
  • 19:08 The iBible, with a parental lock switch for the Song of Solomon and verses with "ass" in them. :D #
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Freitag, Mai 01, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 14:22 stayed up last night and beat World of Goo (better than Lemmings!). late breakfast. today is my first real "Sabbath" in a pretty long time. #
  • 14:30 refreshingly optimistic take on the flu: love the bio: "carlos loves WoW, prayer, and mathematics" (hey, my 2000th tweet!) #
  • 14:44 wow, great link. free MP3 of awesome indie music: RT @crookoo #
  • 16:00 RT @noeljesse Here's a handy little app to help you see if you have the swine flu: #swineflu #
  • 23:00 Just watched Elegy with Cruz & Kingsley. Man, my heart aches for those characters. If only they knew the Source of constant(!) hope... :( #
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