Freitag, Februar 29, 2008

Currently reading a great book by Dallas Willard, "The Spirit of the Disciplines". Love this quote because it's so hard-hitting and true:

To undertake the disciplines is to take our activities - our lives - seriously and to suppose that the following of Christ is at least as big of a challenge as playing the violin or jogging.

Mittwoch, Februar 06, 2008

If you've seen Napoleon Dynamite, no doubt you remember this conversation:

Deb: What are you drawing?
Napoleon Dynamite: A liger.
Deb: What's a liger?
Napoleon Dynamite: It's pretty much my favorite animal. It's like a lion and a tiger mixed... bred for its skills in magic.

I always thought that was so funny that he was living in his little imaginary world. Well, guess what? Ligers exist! For real! Check it out!

Not only that, but there are also other hybrids:

Liguars, Liards, Tigons, Tiguars, Tigars, Jaglions, Jaggers, Jagupards, Leopons, and Leguars, baby!

What the...? Now maybe you all know this and are thinking "d'uh, John...", but I'm pretty freaked out here. :)

It kind of reminds me of when we went to the zoo and Zakcq said he wanted to see the Capibara, and said it was basically a huge giant guinea pig. We all didn't believe him, until we went and saw one in all its glory.

Montag, Februar 04, 2008

Well, I stayed up for the Super Bowl last night, which means I got only roughly 3 hours of sleep last night. But boy, was it worth it. This play has got to be one of the most amazing plays I have ever seen, and certainly the best Super Bowl catch I have ever seen. Call it The Catch Reloaded or something.

What a game. (I won't say a word about the incredibly boring half time show. Oops, just did.)

So to summarize:

[ ] 9 hours of sleep
[ ] 6 hours of sleep
[x] 3 hours of sleep
[ ] Regret staying up