Donnerstag, April 29, 2010

Today's Tweets

  • 06:48 LOL now this is how you shut up a crowd. Can't stop laughing. via @abrahampiper #fb #
  • 09:42 the jesus freaks sat down once to discuss their "core values". they only came up with 2: "Jesus"+"beer". True story. :) cc @Trupedo_Glastic #
  • 11:54 @leibowitz lol. #
  • 13:13 @abrahampiper hey well that's whatcha git fer makin fun of Alabaman's...that just ain't no good idea... or sumthin'... #
  • 14:17 LOL RT @Trupedo_Glastic: RT @gri ndcrank: In my day, WiFi was the act of throwing diskettes across the room. // (my translation) #fb #
  • 17:02 Sad but true: RT @CatalystLeader RT @LindseyNobles "In a 24/7 world, rest will not happen unless you plan for it" Matthew Sleath #qideas #fb #
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Mittwoch, April 28, 2010

Today's Tweets

  • 08:38 RT @bobhyatt "We mustn't allow ourselves to detach from the church in self-righteous cynicism. That's too easy and too empty."-Claiborne #fb #
  • 10:05 busy triaging bugs for the glory of God...correction: busy tweeting about myself triaging bugs for the glory of God. back to triaging... #fb #
  • 12:28 Great article in Boston Globe: To say all religions are essentially the same is "untrue, disrespectful, dangerous." #fb #
  • 12:40 ooh! @abrahampiper mentioned me by name on his blog. my two minutes of fame commencing in 3...2...1... ;) #fb #
  • 13:09 @abrahampiper they're already over. but thanks anyways. ;) #
  • 13:24 @abrahampiper oh and thanks for the shoutout, btw. ;P #
  • 13:45 "Men marry women w/ hope they'll never change. Women marry men w/ hope they will change. Invariably they are disappointed."- Einstein(?) #fb #
  • 13:49 @Trupedo_Glastic das müsste doch für ne fristlose kündigung reichen... #
  • 14:10 @denroga GoW...geniales spiel. keine ahnung ob in D erhältlich. #
  • 14:38 @abrahampiper sure..when it comes to excessive quoting of xkcd comics for any occasion, i'm your guy. ;-) #
  • 17:00 "Death is the destiny of every man; the living should take this to heart." - Ecclesiastes 7:2 #fb #
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Dienstag, April 27, 2010

Today's Tweets

  • 08:36 A friend of mine texted her friend that her "water broke". She accidentally forgot the word "bottle" after "water". hilarity ensued. :D #fb #
  • 10:28 @BeetyVanDeHolz Happy Birthday!!! #
  • 10:48 @BeetyVanDeHolz ups sry! dann halt retroaktiv... laut schrödingers katze sind meine glückwünsche ja genau so gültig da ich's nicht wusste ;) #
  • 10:50 So according to Schrödinger's Cat, are belated birthday wishes just as valid as long as you didn't KNOW they were belated? #hallmarkidea #fb #
  • 13:10 i may not agree with everything he says but i <3 john piper. he's such a bible geek & his sermons are like long hot showers for my soul. #fb #
  • 13:11 @oliholz Glückwunsch! :) #
  • 15:22 @abrahampiper #
  • 15:24 RT @abrahampiper: I can relate to people who think that no one's the same as them, because I'm just like that. // #fb #
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Freitag, April 23, 2010

Today's Tweets

  • 08:31 RT @bobhyatt: Let's make a deal and all agree "Close-minded" is a really poor way to say "Doesn't agree with MY position"..Mmmkay? #fb #
  • 08:35 @noeljesse @DanPrice1 so what happened? You sure left us hanging... :-/ #
  • 08:39 @Radman which quote by piper did u mean? they keep switching out those quotes. Is it on here? #
  • 08:43 SWEET: @tom_mauriello will try and pick up an iPad 4 me this morning & get it 2 my Dad in Amsterdam Monday! I could kiss ya (but won't)! #fb #
  • 09:48 1-yr- old Luke is on a roll: he climbed onto the counter, painted the kitchen w/cinnamon roll icing, then nutella. @stephi ur my hero! :) #fb #
  • 13:53 @noeljesse i bet @danprice1 was just pulling your leg #
  • 14:08 "26 Percent of Wired's Mobile Traffic Comes From the iPad" #
  • 15:09 @prodigaljohn making it rain like don miller, eh? #
  • 15:26 @leibowitz Das erinnert mich an Matt Chandler's Blog Post "Ned Flanders and me" #
  • 15:30 @prodigaljohn every Christian is already in full-time ministry, they just may not know it yet. Acts 1:8 #
  • 15:36 <insert witty remark here> #fb #
  • 16:30 thanks so much to @tom_mauriello for trying to get an ipad for me at the Apple Store. He just let me know they're all sold out. Bummer. #fb #
  • 16:40 @Radman why so??? all the quote says is that God uses his Word spoken through Christians to "bring to life" non-Christians. Right? #
  • 16:45 @radman piper is more charismatic than you might believe. :) but just because it says "spirit filled" doesn't mean it's out of context.. ? #
  • 16:51 @Radman BBC is not cessationist, they believe in those gifts as well. BTW who is KG/Keith in your notes? #
  • 18:05 Leaving for a Weekend with the family. how much stuff we need for 2 days. :o #fb #
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Donnerstag, April 22, 2010

Today's Tweets

  • 09:34 Very awesome: White House releases open source code they customized for #fb #
  • 09:58 so thankful for my awesome wife @stephi who has to deal with our 3 kids (one of which is sick and cranky) while i get to code in peace. #fb #
  • 11:13 RT @leibowitz: How cool is this? #Android on #iPhone via @guyf4wk3s #
  • 13:12 hey facebookers: is anyone planning on visiting Europe any time soon and could transport an ipad for me? #fb #
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Mittwoch, April 21, 2010

Today's Tweets

  • 08:35 LOL RT @noeljesse: Nothing pools ignorance like a bunch of 20 year olds in a room trying to figure stuff out. - Matt Chandler #fb #
  • 09:48 About time... RT @twephanie: It is true! You can now remove participants from a wave. Learn more @ then try it out. #
  • 09:49 @twephanie Removing works great! Thanks!!! #
  • 10:46 Wow. Google never ceases to impress. List of requests to Google for data / censorship by country: via @tomkpunkt #fb #
  • 13:56 @tallskinnyk iwi dude, you must have foreseen your own tweet. wow. #
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Dienstag, April 20, 2010

Today's Tweets

  • 08:35 @jonskeet what would you think about a Bible SE? #
  • 10:11 hey @noelheikkinen @ajvan @danbovenmyer @dreamawakener what do u guys use for task management at your churches? paper or software or online? #
  • 10:32 ask most germans "do u speak english" and they say "No, I deeply apologize, but unfortunately I cannot articulate myself well enough." #fb #
  • 15:20 @Radman ok, but still coughing up a storm in spite of antibiotics. stranded here because of the volcano, together w ith DL and GS. pray! :) #
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Montag, April 19, 2010

Today's Tweets

  • 08:39 bracing myself for the likely news from the Ebay guy I ordered an ipad from that he doesn't have the ipad in stock.. "be...strong..." ;) #fb #
  • 11:56 Not cool. RT @Trupedo_Glastic: RT @denroga: Suicide #4 in the Chinese iPad factory. #fb #
  • 14:52 I love it that "Beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano" is in almost perfect dactyl meter. #dumbanddumber #fb #
  • 20:35 Watching Hitchcock's Vertigo for the first time ever....and dude! The first scene is stolen EXACTLY from The Matrix. ;-) #fb #
  • 22:47 Vertigo is a great movie. Very slow, very suspenseful, great cinematography (for the time)... #fb #
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Sonntag, April 18, 2010

Today's Tweets

  • 09:17 Rock Berlin Gottesdienst ab 10:42 #fb (Broadcasting live at #
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Samstag, April 17, 2010

Today's Tweets

  • 14:46 "Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read." - Groucho Marx #fb #
  • 19:20 Here is the name of the volcano that could keep me from getting my ipad next week... try saying THIS 3 times fast: #fb #
  • 22:45 @CeC Hey you have a Nexus One? Have you tried my Bible Arcer app yet? Would love some feedback on how to improve it... #
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Freitag, April 16, 2010

Today's Tweets

  • 08:49 Started off the day with a deep conversation on total depravity, predestination/election & free will. Love it, it makes my mind buzz. :) #fb #
  • 09:57 LOL: Bill Gates bans iTunes from Windows (cc @gammaproduction) #
  • 11:28 @andypotter Yahweh love Yahweh love Yahweh love... :D #
  • 15:35 RT @acts29 Pastors' wives play a critical role in a church plant. Watch video of Shari Thomas of Redeemer Pres: #fb #
  • 16:10 Stephi's about 2 take Mark Darling 2 the doctor, he's been gett ing sicker & sicker this week w/a really bad flu/cold. Please #pray4 him. #fb #
  • 16:12 @Radman Friedrichshain I think. #
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Donnerstag, April 15, 2010

Today's Tweets

  • 10:50 @BeetyVanDeHolz meinst wohl nen Eckzahn mähr. #
  • 13:40 picking my luncheon seminars for the upcoming Euro Leadership Forum...tempted to pick this one :) #fb #
  • 13:46 @Quaerentia Advanced Bible Teachers. Are you doing that one again? Hope so... looking forward to seeing you! #
  • 14:06 @Quaerentia It's a date! ;-) #
  • 16:03 @Radman Thanks man! #
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Mittwoch, April 14, 2010

Today's Tweets

  • 14:57 Noooooo.......*sniff* RT @Narfyyy Apple Delays International iPad Launch by One Month #fb #
  • 16:26 Awesome: RT @google: You can now use Google to search across the public archive of tweets and "replay" moments in time #
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Dienstag, April 13, 2010

Today's Tweets

  • 08:29 @martinbonnet schwierig wg. sky != heaven. vielleicht "Don't praise yourself to the skies, praise the Maker of the sky." ??? #
  • 08:39 @LarryOsborne did you mean a different article? :) #
  • 09:28 Just cleaned my desk up for the 1st time in a year or so. You wouldn't believe how clean it looks now or how trashed it looked before :) #fb #
  • 10:40 Five rational arguments against Apple's 3.3.1 policy: #
  • 10:45 Google Buzz desperately needs a filter to filter out tweets from friends which I'm reading on Twitter anyways. Until then I'm off Buzz. #
  • 11:33 Google has a new "drawing" application for Google Docs, and it's in.cre.dible. #fb #
  • 15:52 @noeljesse define Christian. ;-) Typical definition of "claims to believe in Jesus as personal Lord and Savior": Obama or the pope. #
  • 16:01 "When shadows fall on us, we will not fear, we will remember...we're resting in the shadow of the cross." -David Crowder Band #fb #
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Montag, April 12, 2010

Today's Tweets

  • 08:52 Had a wonderful day yesterday. Thanks to everyone who came and made it such a special time. So excited to see what God is doing in RB. #fb #
  • 08:52 RT @denroga: Wherever St. Paul went, there was a riot. Wherever I go, they serve tea. ~N. T. Wright #fb #
  • 08:53 @denroga where is that awesome quote from? i heard it a while ago and wondered who it was (now i know that) and in which context he said it. #
  • 09:01 @denroga love Tom Wright but think the new perspective is a bit overboard, from what I know of it(still haven't deeply dove into it yet tho) #
  • 12:59 applying inbox-zero again for the first time in 2 months. ouch. i just know there are going to be emails I should have responded to. #fb #
  • 14:32 LOL "you meet in a coffee shop w/ your buddies and misquote 'two or more' to say u r a church" RT @noeljesse #fb #
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Sonntag, April 11, 2010

Today's Tweets

  • 09:34 URL korrigiert: Rock Berlin Gottesdienst - Pastorenernennung John + Dieter ab 10:42 GMT+2 ( Broadcasting live at ) #
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Freitag, April 09, 2010

Today's Tweets

  • 12:19 Some may not have heard yet - Dieter & I are going 2B recognized as elders of RB on Sunday! Feel excited yet awed @ the responsibility. #fb #
  • 16:23 <humor type="geek">LOL "ParseException: You are not making any sense. Calm down and try again."</humor> #
  • 16:45 Good stuff in "Life in Rhythm". Summarizing quote from the book: "Life is not a marathon, it's a set of sprints and rests." I like that. #fb #
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Mittwoch, April 07, 2010

Today's Tweets

  • 09:11 Great book:"Knowing Jesus Through the Old Testament". Christ did far more than fulfill dry predictions - he fulfilled personal promises! #fb #
  • 13:57 all-out frontal attack on the afternoon productivity dip with a cup of coffee and Fleet Foxes' sweet harmonious ballads in my ears. :) #fb #
  • 22:45 Spent the last 2 hours carrying down our old bedroom schrank 2B picked up tomorrow. Hard work. Yes, schrank is most definitely a word. #fb #
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Dienstag, April 06, 2010

Today's Tweets

  • 08:46 RT @noeljesse Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus. #fb P.S. Have I said it's good to be twittering again yet? Yes? oh. #
  • 16:02 How Do We Handle the Big Issues Facing the Church? "Tim Keller wrote this & he's smarter than you, so read it." LOL #fb #
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Montag, April 05, 2010

Today's Tweets

  • 13:28 @BeetyVanDeHolz Hatte deinen Tweet bzgl Junias wg. Twitter Fasten bis heute nicht gelesen. Die Junias-Stelle ist interessant aber SEHR... #
  • 13:29 @BeetyVanDeHolz ...SEHR umstritten. Können wir gerne mal in Google Wave besprechen. Kurzform meiner Sicht: Weiblich, aber kein Apostel. #
  • 15:57 Just updated Bible Arcer with ESV support! Yay! #biblearc #android #app #
  • 15:57 @danbovenmyer actually it's a holiday in Germany: Easter Monday :) #
  • 15:58 Having a great free day with the kids. 25 round s of Mario Party 8 is quite...intense. :) #fb #
  • 20:29 Stephi's been learning Python the last week or so. So fun. Hearing my wife say "Explain doctest to me." I realize: I am a lucky man. :) #fb #
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Sonntag, April 04, 2010

Today's Tweets

  • 14:44 I'm back after a 40 day Twitter and Facebook fast! Really enjoyed it. But now I'm back. Happy Easter! He is risen: he is risen, indeed! #fb #
  • 14:48 I just published my first Android app: Bible Arcer. Get it and tell me what u think if u have an Android! @biblearc #fb #
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