Mittwoch, Dezember 31, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 15:09 Deeply touched by Penn (from Penn & Teller) the outspoke atheist being so touched by someone giving him a Bible. Unreal. #
  • 18:56 haha we get new year's first. poor americans. :) #
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Montag, Dezember 29, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 00:41 Wow that was intense ("There Will Be Blood") - just incredible acting by Daniel Day Lewis. Very well made movie. #
  • 21:30 This is just. Brilliant. "I think my wife's a Calvinist." #
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Sonntag, Dezember 28, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 01:42 Up way late after a whipping by my brother in axis and allies. I'm glad the real allies weren't as dumb as I played them. #
  • 17:44 My brother David shot this great picture of Sarah with her xylophone she got for Christmas. #
  • 21:19 finally getting around to watching "There Will Be Blood" Looking forward to it. #
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Donnerstag, Dezember 25, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 23:16 Whoa. My brother Mark just got 279 in Wii bowling. 2 7 9. Unreal. All strikes except for one spare. Congrats, Mark! #
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Mittwoch, Dezember 24, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 00:34 Bought the grönemeyer double album for only 12 euros. No-brainer, really. That's 30 cents per song. #
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Dienstag, Dezember 23, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 23:58 Chilling in the living room with sounds of Siedler and Wii in the background. Full house with 11 people!! #
  • 15:15 I feel like I am becoming an old man. Stayed up late last night and am now so dead tired I am actually taking a nap. #
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Sonntag, Dezember 21, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 23:21 reading Simple Church. Dieter has been non-stop talking about it so I'm really looking forward to reading it. #
  • 00:30 watching raab. not bad this time. but he's about to win. #
  • 21:34 Watching Street Kings...interesting to see Keanu Reeves trying to play a tough guy. #
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Samstag, Dezember 20, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 00:42 Just got back from the "dota die kleingeldprinzessin" concert. lots of fun. It's been too long since my last concert. Gnight. #
  • 21:35 That was a really fun RB service - so great to see claudia and also daniel & Nina all happen to come on the same evening. #
  • 21:54 another killer app for ipod touch: gflash+. flashcard program. great for memorizing stuff (even does pictures!) #
  • 22:51 RT @djchuang very very cool iPhone app = seadragon , like digital microfiche from the old days #
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Freitag, Dezember 19, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 08:56 @Trupedo_Glastic yeah it's an awesome book #
  • 09:01 Anyone out there think the Christian church of the Middle Ages thought the earth is flat? Read this: #
  • 12:50 finally getting around to listening to (I mean watching!) the Peasant Princess series (Mark Driscoll, Song of Solomon, etc.). Good stuff. #
  • 14:25 Roughly 2 hours and i'll be off work for 2 and a half weeks! sooo looking forward to that... #
  • 14:26 yikes my twitter followership dropped from 80 to 69 in one day. either twitter cleaned up spam followers (yay!) or it was something i said. #
  • 15:49 @epaga yeah - chilling at home with EVERYONE from the family except Timothy & Tabea. 11 people in our little 4 room apartment will be fun :) #
  • 16:06 Wow. looks like the solution to all my problems. Every last one...OK, that's a lil' overstatement. i have a lot of problems. #
  • 16:29 @noeljesse bummer. what are you doing instead? #
  • 16:30 @radman yeah - chilling at home with EVERYONE from the family except Timothy & Tabea. 11 people in our little 4 room apartment'll be fun :) #
  • 16:56 @noeljesse hm based on this: it seems like it's working for most people... well just i'll try it and see. #
  • 19:06 Wow nuevasync works just greatso far for synching gcal and my iPod... Woohoo!!!! #
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Donnerstag, Dezember 18, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 09:59 creating my first setup (msi) program with Visual Studio. This is pretty fun...if it ends up working, that is. #
  • 11:39 my whole workspace is currently being rebuilt. which of course is the #1 reason for programmers to legitimately slack off: #
  • 12:47 i downloaded touchTodo (for free!) and am just amazed. it is the PERFECT GTD app for my ipod touch - it even syncs to Google Calendar!!! #
  • 18:59 @Radman it is easy if you have the professional edition #
  • 19:00 Joshua just tossed his cookies... Uh-oh... I sure hope it is because he was wolfing down his food and not because of a flu. That'd suck. #
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Mittwoch, Dezember 17, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 23:31 playing around with my new ipod touch (!!!) though i really should be getting to bed. sooo much fun, though. #
  • 00:48 Ok the iPod Touch is officially totally addictive. I am now FORCING myself to get to bed. Good. night. #
  • 14:05 wow, itunes for windows is unbelievably bloated and slow. i knew that already but now I'm knowing the biblical sense. #
  • 20:14 Sitting at our lead team meeting, twittering about it. #
  • 22:34 dude, google earth on the ipod touch is unbelievably awesome. #
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Dienstag, Dezember 16, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 10:24 if you have more than a couple plugins in Eclipse, NEVER EVER click on "update" in your plugin manager. It doesn't let you cancel. arrrrrgh. #
  • 11:54 this is pretty sweet: a histogram displaying which artists you listened to how often over the past year. #
  • 17:00 woohoo! last minute "eureka" moment and i got something to work I've been working on almost all day. feels nice to finish the day like that. #
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Montag, Dezember 15, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 08:34 "" - sea turtle #
  • 16:11 "Everyone welcome!" and "Everlasting Punishment" somehow makes for an interesting mix. :) #
  • 16:39 about to head off to the company Christmas party. bowling (yes, real bowling) first, then steak dinner. #
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Sonntag, Dezember 14, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 14:31 "Ernest Hemingway once wrote, 'The world is a fine place and worth fighting for.' I agree with the second part." #
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Samstag, Dezember 13, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 23:39 Merry Christmas in the most random way I can imagine. (yes I laughed tears on this one) #
  • 16:13 Wow the new GMail PDF viewer rocks. Fast. Sharp. I think I might prefer it to Acrobat Reader in my browser. #
  • 22:08 the service was way fun and went well. great food, a ton of guests, the message worked out great. Thanks for praying to those who did. #
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Freitag, Dezember 12, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 08:25 preach it krusty...From the Krusty Sage Archive: Quit Buying Crap You Can't Afford Just "Because It's Christmas." Sheesh. #
  • 08:27 going right along with that advice, more of the same from the wise SNL people: And now, enough of the RSS procrastination. #
  • 13:31 Wow. Beautiful site. RT @Trupedo_Glastic RT @isabo #
  • 16:45 "Sorry, but I think you accidentally the verb." #
  • 19:29 teaching prep city. could you shoot up a quick 5-second prayer for my message tomorrow night, that God would speak through me? thanks. #
  • 21:37 ok now i'm excited about the teaching tomorrow. :) time to chill and play some flash games or somethin'. #
  • 22:38 speaking of flash games: i just beat the demo. what a beautiful game. going to bed now. (found that on btw) #
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Donnerstag, Dezember 11, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 08:33 ah the beauty of stackoverflow. I ask for pointers, algorithms, and ideas for a certain problem. 17 hours(!) later: #
  • 12:58 @Trupedo_Glastic - it's a facebook app #
  • 13:01 Driscoll on Emergent: Good though slightly dated. I appreciate the "Relevant / Reconstructionist / Revisionist" categories #
  • 13:04 twitter's internationalization: "ungefähr 2 stunden ago from web". sorry guys, but good i18n needs to take grammar into account. #
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Mittwoch, Dezember 10, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 13:23 next time i feel embarrassed i'll remember i'm probably not feeling as embarrassed as these research journal editors were: #
  • 17:03 feierabend! and then: christmas-tree-aus-picking #
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Dienstag, Dezember 09, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 08:25 finally!! gmail has a todo list!! that spells bad, bad news for rememberthemilk, todoist, and the bazillion other organizer sites. #
  • 08:27 @Radman how are you learning Python? #
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Montag, Dezember 08, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 13:25 thinking of how to come up with $$$ to get a 32gb ipod touch. maybe i could ebay my living room table. hm then i wouldn't have one any more. #
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Samstag, Dezember 06, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 13:10 did some pair programming today. not bad, though i'm still not completely sure it's really more efficient in the end run. #
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Freitag, Dezember 05, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 13:10 did some pair programming today. not bad, though i'm still not completely sure it's really more efficient in the end run. #
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Montag, Dezember 01, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 08:49 getting the work week underway with some ipod goodness. let's see what the shuffle brings: "I will talk and Hollywood will listen". Not bad. #
  • 08:51 Brilliant. RT @ajvan What we need is a device to siphon off excess energy from small children and channel it to those who really need it. #
  • 12:54 Powerful and sad quote: "I would never die for my beliefs because I might be wrong." - Bertrand Russell #
  • 15:12 @radman yeah maybe those machines got something right after all... #
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Freitag, November 28, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 13:35 laughing hard at Tominthebox's "Pastor's proposal of 7-day Bible Reading Challenge met with confusion". #
  • 13:39 @Trupedo_Glastic sad but not surprising (IMHO) #
  • 15:52 looking forward to getting off work in 68 minutes, because then it's off to Cologne for some literally sweet family Thanksgiving goodness. #
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Dienstag, November 25, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 08:11 @noeljesse whatever was open when i closed it last time #
  • 08:12 wakin' up is hard to do, doo bee doo dum dum, doo bee doo dum, dum... ooh! @fakejohnpiper is following me! score! #
  • 09:09 amazed to be hearing the (formerly anti-unit-test) lead developer extol the benefits of unit tests to a coworker. awesome! #
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Montag, November 24, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 08:33 twittering that i'm twittering that i'm twittering that i'm twittering my status. #
  • 15:03 hardly anything i've done today has tangible results. not exactly motivating... #
  • 16:02 looking forward to going bowling with a coworker. and by that i mean actual bowling, with a real 14 pound ball. none of this wii nonsense. #
  • 16:15 just found a solution on StackOverflow that otherwise would have taken me hours and hours to find. there should be a stackoverflow for life. #
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Sonntag, November 23, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 22:33 sank a few freighters and a nice fat cruiser before being sent to the bottom of the ocean by 6(!) destroyers. I <3 SH4. #
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Samstag, November 22, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 11:27 thinking some more about the rich young ruler for the teaching tonight. Isn't Western culture all about making us rich, young rulers? #
  • 14:52 Before the throne of God above I have a strong, a perfect Plea. A great high priest whose name is Love, who ever lives and pleads for me. #
  • 21:34 starting into my much-needed Sabbath with beer in hand. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! :) #
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Freitag, November 21, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 08:27 @Trupedo_Glastic machen die Hymnen, eher contemporary zeuchs (Kosse etc.), eigene sachen, oder bunt gemischt? ich sollte da mal vorbei :) #
  • 08:29 dude...the GMail themes/skins are awesome! Incredibly well done and easy to set up. #
  • 09:12 RT @Rafe Pro PR Tip #78: It's it: Punctuation: Know it. Spelling, too. It's is not its. If you can't master basic #
  • 09:34 slaying ancient bugs. It's fun 'cause it tricks me into feeling more productive than i actually am. wish i hadn't forgotten my ipod @home :( #
  • 10:43 yay! snow! #
  • 14:35 Ahhh, wonderful, painful, joyful, beautiful, ugly, stressful, peaceful, bittersweet, wonderful Life. yeah i said wonderful twice. #
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Donnerstag, November 20, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 08:50 ah boy, the day starts off with conflict. :-/ not fun. #
  • 12:52 "buzzing" after listening to t. keller on how vital it is to have a strong "hidden" walk w/god and how easy it is to rely on gifting instead #
  • 12:58 blown away by the video chels posted. #
  • 21:48 @Trupedo_Glastic cool! (also jetzt wg drums für BP) was machen die da eigentlich für musik? #
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Mittwoch, November 19, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 08:32 it's funny cause it's so true #
  • 12:58 should be doing teaching prep... must ... tear myself away from ... facebook... #
  • 13:32 preparing for luke 18 I was reminded of Derek Webb's "Rich Young Ruler" #
  • 14:47 I get a surge of schadenfreude looking out at the poor ppl battling the wind and rain. then i remember it'll be my turn in ~2 hours. :( #
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Montag, November 17, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 08:45 good start into the week with Switchfoot serenading in my ear... "I Dare You To Mooooooooove" #
  • 10:48 @Trupedo_Glastic i agree, very interesting stuff. so rare for a christian artist to correctly portray the darkness of e.g. Job/Ecclesiastes #
  • 10:49 RT @Trupedo_Glastic Interesting take on why christian art generally sucks (pt. 1): #
  • 12:48 excited since we're getting close to having something resembling a product backlog at work. #
  • 13:16 this is one of the most relaxing and intriguing little flash games I've come across in a long time. #
  • 14:03 Jewel's Mom always has sort of freaked me a little out on that "Little Bird" bonus track. #
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Sonntag, November 16, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 15:01 this is pretty sweet: Google Maps meets Wikipedia. #
  • 15:01 @Trupedo_Glastic Google Reader FTW! #
  • 16:29 sarah counting: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22....." #
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Samstag, November 15, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 23:54 "yes, good show, wasn't it, everyone? oh goodness, look at the time. now it's off to bed, off to bed." #
  • 08:28 currently in ezekiel in my QT...i love how pretty much every nation in the world gets the major thumbs down in ezekiel. it's almost funny. #
  • 10:33 i absolutely LOVE the random hugs I get from my daughter Sarah. #
  • 21:29 narnia's on tv. Mrs. Beaver: "goodness, you're worse than Mr. Beaver on bath day" ... Mr. Beaver: "the worst day of the year" tah's phunnie. #
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Freitag, November 14, 2008

Today's Tweets

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Erneure Mich

I had a little fun with the audio program Audacity and recorded myself with 4 different voices with a choir song I found here:

Enjoy. The text means

Renew me, o eternal light
And let from Your face
My heart and soul be
shone through and enlightened


Donnerstag, November 13, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 08:21 laughing at the image Noel posted about forwarding "funny" emails. #
  • 08:47 "Died he for me? who caused his pain! For me? who him to death pursued? Amazing love! How can it be that thou, my God, shouldst die for me?" #
  • 11:36 rough day. #
  • 13:04 having my quiet time over lunch break. i love john's epistemology in john 9. i love the humility AND the confidence of the once-blind man. #
  • 22:20 ok this is soooo silly. funny. (note that ed is not serious, i didn't get it until i watched the youtube video) #
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Mittwoch, November 12, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 09:17 taking a look at AspectJ. looks like it might be very helpful for development / debugging / testing. #
  • 10:10 just heard that Joshua has chicken pox or something of the sort... not good since a) Stephi's pregnant and b) I've never had chicken pox. #
  • 12:05 doctor said he has some kind of allergic reaction, so - no chicken pox. yay. sort of. :) #
  • 12:41 bummed because the cup of yoghurt i bought is actually quark, not yoghurt. fail. #
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Dienstag, November 11, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 08:18 "die amerikaner glauben an die rettung der welt durch autosuggestion, die deutschen durch pfandflaschen" -wirtschaftswoche s.5 #
  • 13:49 @andypotter amen! :) #
  • 16:25 just saw the most incredible rainbow I have ever seen. couldn't get away from the window. Unreal. I'll post a video of it later I think. #
  • 23:01 this is so surreal: Holocaust survivors are getting mad at the Mormons for baptizing dead Jewish relatives by proxy. #
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Montag, November 10, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 08:57 Had an awesome Einweihungsparty yesterday. Whatever that is in English. Housewarming party I guess. But I like Einweihungsparty better. #
  • 08:58 @Trupedo_Glastic Krasse Sache. #
  • 15:46 Mike Myers - "My theory is that all of Scottish cuisine is based on a dare." #
  • 20:09 A tv show just taught me why lots of pirates wore eye patches - that way one eye was used to the dark, so they could quickly see below deck. #
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Freitag, November 07, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 08:12 AWESOME! They translated the "Nicht Lustig" comics into English! If you want some really, really good laughs, go here: #
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Donnerstag, November 06, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 07:30 Just noticed Peter calls the Bible "more sure" than his own eyewitness experience of transfiguration. Text-centric FTW :). #
  • 08:51 Prayer and Fasting Fail: #
  • 12:44 "The Lemming Gardener": #
  • 16:05 "just get lonely sometimes..." ah, such incredible memories of KC, road trips with Waterdeep in the van's cassette deck, and HSLTs. #
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Mittwoch, November 05, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 08:10 Wow, what an incredible concession speech. Why wasn't McCain like this the past few months? #
  • 08:51 "Barack me Obamadeus!" #
  • 19:10 lol: "obama nation" sounds like "abomination" :-D #
  • 19:13 working on luke 16 for saturday. what's up with verse 18? It seems to stick out like a sore thumb in that context. #
  • 19:55 @Trupedo_Glastic LOL. Geil. #
  • 20:19 never actually heard the "Gotta Serve Somebody" song by Bob Dylan till today. It's really cool. #
  • 21:00 @andypotter plus we have the added bonus of not even living in the States, so either candidate would've only had an indirect effect on us :) #
  • 22:54 I really appreciate Driscoll's thoughts on the election. #
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Dienstag, November 04, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 23:38 @Trupedo_Glastic musste an deinen Post denken...Piper zu Palin: #
  • 23:46 "Bush Asks Advice For This Friend Of His Who Invaded Iraq"... #
  • 08:17 saying "Amen, Kenyon". #
  • 09:39 wow, really impressed by some of the new GMail labs features. GMail is turning into a nice hub. #
  • 09:44 "Everybody wants to go to heaven, nobody wants to die." ... "Play it, boys!!" #
  • 11:08 @Trupedo_Glastic Hab nicht gesagt, dass ich mit dem Piper-Video einv. bin. Gottes Gericht zu definieren find ich auch ein wenig heikel :) #
  • 13:59 go barr! :) #
  • 16:40 "as giddy as a schoolgirl" cause I found someone who pointed me to someone else who was able to send me the syllabus for the Keller seminars #
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Montag, November 03, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 08:20 "I'm finding everything I'll ever need by giving up, gainin' everything. [...] I am yours forever and ever and ever and ever...etc." #
  • 08:52 Look at this picture. Remember it. (found here: #
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Sonntag, November 02, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 00:07 most boring "schlag den raab". evar. #
  • 12:21 Hilarious. "Et tu, Palin?" #
  • 17:56 made a 3-course meal for Stephi due to a lost bet. It actually tasted great! :) Honey-baked chicken with gnocchi on sage-butter sauce. Yum. #
  • 20:26 saddened by the impression that so many U.S. Christians are turning the election into a spiritual litmus test. #
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Samstag, November 01, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 11:39 I love the ring of the blurb on my wife's hand lotion: "softens and it kills germs" #
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Freitag, Oktober 31, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 08:23 My brother just sent me this video from the future. Obama lost the election...because of me. #
  • 14:47 if everything was as it should be, the toilet paper our company buys would have the brand name "SandPaper 2000". #
  • 17:02 yay, weekend #
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Donnerstag, Oktober 30, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 23:38 must. get. to bed...must...stop...mindless...surfing... #
  • 09:05 i love the song "how deep the father's love". love it. "ashamed I hear my mocking voice / call out among the scoffers." #
  • 11:19 welches stimmt? "ich denk..." "dass wir es sehen werden können" <-> "dass wir es werden sehen können" <-> "dass wir es sehen können werden" #
  • 12:43 @CeC thanks, and yeah. "Reason for God" quickly replaced "Evidence that Demands a Verdict" for me as the book I give to interested skeptics. #
  • 12:48 laughing at Mike's "putting A into B", mainly because I'm imagining how he'll one day explain sex to his kids. #
  • 20:48 pro-sieben currently has a weird trippy psychodelic look. what in the world? #
  • 22:47 making a Bible reading plan script with Autohotkey. #
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Mittwoch, Oktober 29, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 08:26 jealous my Mom and Dad got to be at the Oxford Dawkins - Lennox debate last week. Looking forward to the MP3 version. #
  • 13:58 about to head into a meeting about something I'm not all that interested in. Better go grab a cup of coffee... #
  • 15:24 Fascinated by the idea of "pair programming"-like Bible reading. Or is it "pair-Bible-reading"-like programming? #
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Dienstag, Oktober 28, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 11:22 "beautiful savior, wonderful king". love that song. "we are here because of you, you are here because of you" #
  • 22:35 yawning at the lack of plot in 21. #
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Montag, Oktober 27, 2008

Today's Tweets

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Today's Tweets

  • 13:22 realizing that when you have kids, THEY get your extra hour when daylight savings kicks in. #
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Samstag, Oktober 25, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 13:09 for a brief look into my strange sense of humor, see this video: (Thanks Jana) #
  • 13:21 It has seriously been years since I have laughed this hard for this long. I just couldn't stop. My stomach hurts. #
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Freitag, Oktober 24, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 14:29 wow just finished a code review of just plain gorgeous code. awesome. #
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Donnerstag, Oktober 23, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 08:25 ok so this is awesome. saw it on noel's blog #
  • 10:40 [warning: geek speak] just gave a mini-presentation on unit testing with jmockit and the dependency injection design pattern. fun stuff. #
  • 11:15 two sites in a row that don't allow my password because it's too long (!) or because it contains special characters (!)....W H Y? #
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Mittwoch, Oktober 22, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 07:27 "I learned from my 2-yr-old that chewing gum can be removed from the cover of the ESV Study Bible while permanent marker cannot." #
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Dienstag, Oktober 21, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 07:17 just finished reading John. What a great book. It's become one of my favorites. #
  • 10:44 ah good ol' Chasing Furies again, it's been a while... #
  • 13:55 "follow me but sell your house, sell your SUV, sell your stocks, sell your security [...] I want the things you just can't give me." #
  • 16:11 my fingers are on fire, baby #
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Montag, Oktober 20, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 09:28 Just heard God answered one of my prayers in an awesome way. Sweet. #
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Sonntag, Oktober 19, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 22:12 listening to the old Alanis song "Baba". I like. #
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Samstag, Oktober 18, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 11:47 the "it's raining men" music video was running at McDonald's today. Unreal that MTV became so popular with this stuff: #
  • 14:38 working on my pet Groovy+Grails project. It's coming along nicely. Grails is pretty sweet. #
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Donnerstag, Oktober 16, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 13:27 just achieved 95% code coverage on one of my classes thanks to JMockit. feels good. #
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If you are even remotely interested in theology and/or preaching and you haven't had the time to listen to the Tim Keller / Ed Clowney seminars on "Preaching Christ to a Postmodern World" available for free (!) on iTunesU, here's a little taste of what you're missing out, on the topic of finding Christ in the Old Testament.

  • Jesus is the true and better Adam who passed the temptation test in the garden and whose obedience is imputed to us.
  • Jesus is the true Abel, who though innocently slain, now has blood that cries out for our acquittal, not our condemnation.
  • Jesus is the true Abraham who answered the call of God to leave all that was familiar and go out into the void, not knowing whither he went.
  • Jesus is the true Isaac, the son of laughter and grace who was offered up for us all.
  • Jesus is the true Jacob who wrestled with God, took the blow of justice we deserved so that we like Jacob only received the wounds of grace just to wake us up.
  • Jesus is the true Joseph who is at the right hand of the king, forgiving those who betrayed and sold him and uses his new power to save them.
  • Jesus is the true and better Moses who stands in the gap between the people and the LORD and who mediates a new covenant. He is the real Man on the mountain.
  • Jesus is the true rock of Moses, who struck with the rod of God's justice now gives us water in the desert.
  • Jesus is the true Joshua who is the general of the Lord's army.
  • Jesus is the true and better Job, the only really innocent sufferer, who intercedes for his friends.
  • Jesus is the true and better Samson, whose death accomplishes so much good.
  • Jesus is the true David whose victory becomes his people's victory, though they never lifted a stone to accomplish it themselves.
  • Jesus is the true Ecclesiastes teacher, because he leads us through despair to help us find God.
  • Jesus is the true Jonah who went into the belly of the earth so that people could be saved.
  • Mittwoch, Oktober 15, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 07:24 My wife would love this quote: "All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt." - Charles Schulz #
    • 08:24 My mind is still buzzing from listening to the second Keller/Clowney seminar on Christocentric preaching. AWESOME stuff. #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Dienstag, Oktober 14, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 08:49 listening to waterdeep's "Both of Us'll Feel the Blast"...ah, good memories. #
    • 09:37 "And is the juice of the joints of the motion of life. [...] And rose three days after he was crucified." I love Waterdeep. I worship And. #
    • 17:13 stephi and the kids are visiting Oma's and Opa's for a week, so I'm about to go home to an empty apartment. bittersweet. ;-) #
    • 19:07 listening to a great teaching on Colossians from Berlin Projekt. #
    • 19:21 correction: listening to an AWESOME teaching on Colossians from Berlin Projekt. #
    • 20:08 Found a wonderful article by Tim Keller on complementarianism vs. traditionalism vs. feminism. Definitely Evernotable. :) #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Montag, Oktober 13, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 08:26 Online (currently free) alternative to PowerPoint: Very, very impressive. #
    • 15:04 reviewing code #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Sonntag, Oktober 12, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 13:14 just filled out my absentee ballot for the election. My "ROI" for my vote in Illinois is very, very low, but oh well. #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Samstag, Oktober 11, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 14:17 here's one of the more random things i've seen in a looong time: Marilyn Mansion singing about the Food Pyramid: #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Freitag, Oktober 10, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 09:54 just noticed I got myself some coffee even though I am fully awake. let's see if i go into hyperdrive, especially since we make strong stuff #
    • 12:58 very impressed by (free!) Aptana Studio for editing Javascript and JSP stuff. #
    • 15:58 blown away by JMockit ( Suddenly our legacy code is testable! Found it (where else?) on Stackoverflow: #
    • 20:56 geek dissing: "when I was your age, Pluto was still a planet..." #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Donnerstag, Oktober 09, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 08:49 ok umm third morning in a row where otherinbox is down. what is up? why do they have to shut it down to work on it??? @otherinbox #
    • 13:44 whoa. a question I asked a half hour ago (!!) on Stackoverflow is now the top search result for a similar Google search. #
    • 14:16 anyone else want an otherinbox invitation? it rocks! it really does! (when they're not doing server upgrades that is ;) #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Mittwoch, Oktober 08, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 08:23 trying out the new yahoo calendar, pretty impressed so far. #
    • 10:57 just ran across some good old-fashioned Whiskey Tango Foxtrot legacy code. ouch. big ouch. #
    • 12:32 typing these four words (i mean, nine) #
    • 16:02 just gave the staggering death blow to a multi-faceted bug that I've been working on killing all day. feels good. #
    • 16:35 listening to stephi extol the greatness of Neobudget. #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Dienstag, Oktober 07, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 09:56 red green refactor, baby... #
    • 20:04 in the middle of a great gcli seminar, we're taking a close look at psalm 119. #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Montag, Oktober 06, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 08:24 starting work again after wonderful 4 days off at the Summit in Krakow. one of the most motivated monday mornings for me ... evar. #
    • 15:43 (computer geek speak alarm...) blown away by this great article about why singletons are often not a good idea. #
    • 17:02 feierabend! oasis tonight... #
    • 22:48 laughing at "we missed you" - a book for people who missed church last Sunday and hear insincere lines like "where were you? we missed you!" #
    • 22:48 oh and here's the link #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Sonntag, Oktober 05, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 12:28 yikes: a stay-at-home Dad would be a case for church discipline at Mars Hill Church unless there were xtreme circumstances #
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    Freitag, Oktober 03, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 21:56 playing handicapped chess against Jana while Stephi watches the latest "bootleg" Popstars episode on Youtube. #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Donnerstag, Oktober 02, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 13:03 about to head off to downtown Krakow with Dad, Mom, Jana, and Stephi. #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Mittwoch, Oktober 01, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Dienstag, September 30, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 22:39 sitting in a sweet hotel here in Krakow with Jana and Martin, about to play bridge with the Meiburgers. Life is good... #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Montag, September 29, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 08:38 i have one more invite for otherinbox. anyone interested? #
    • 08:56 @Trupedo_Glastic Theoretisch losgeschickt...hast du das invite gekriegt? (hatte ein leichtes browserproblem deswegen frag ich lieber) #
    • 10:12 nice, I just "happened upon" a solution for a bug that could have taken me all day to find. good start into the day... #
    • 22:50 ad: "when kids think man ray is a poisonous jellyfish, we need more art in our schools..." uh...who or what is "man ray"? gotta google it. #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Sonntag, September 28, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 17:47 awesome weather today. got a lot done in the apartment, looking forward to yummy dinner. #
    • 19:11 Wow, what a great line in this song on the radio. "I can't say if I believe, but if God made you he's in love with me." #
    • 19:13 @Trupedo_Glastic Genialste Beschreibung eines leckeren Kuchens. Evar. #
    • 21:06 watching a totally intriguing interview of John Piper by Mark Driscoll. #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Samstag, September 27, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 08:16 @noeljesse yeah well we all have our little quirks... ;-) #
    • 21:27 home from a great RB service. I love our church. :) #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Freitag, September 26, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 08:48 vintage jesus is a great book. "jesus rules over our pants, our fridge, our web browser, and our car horn." #
    • 14:55 Freaky. Google is starting to provide code snippets in my search results. Google knows me far too well. #
    • 19:14 getting a "bunker evening" to prepare for the teaching tomorrow. Not quite Noel's "bunker day" (see, but hey..."immerhin" #
    • 22:08 excited about the teaching. #
    • 22:32 musicovery is way cool. and it works in europe, unlike pandora. #
    • 22:35 This is just so....wrong. But I can't stop laughing. #
    • 22:40 retweeting: This is just so....wrong. But I can't stop laughing. (note: quite a few expletives in there if that offends u) #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Donnerstag, September 25, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 08:45 Using Digsby for IM, Email, and Twitter - #
    • 09:01 Meebo(, I'm leaving you for Digsby( So sorry, but Digsby is just so...supportive(of Facebook and Twitter) #
    • 12:00 taking off the rest of the day to get our old apartment all finished. that will be very nice to be all done with that. #
    • 14:06 ouch. google spreadsheets are down. just my luck, I only use them like once every month or something. :-( #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Mittwoch, September 24, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 23:09 wow, project euler looks like pure crack for computer programming geeks. #
    • 08:42 any programmer worth his/her salt needs to join in at - unbelievable treasury of crowd-wisdom at your fingertips. #
    • 09:59 migrating our trac installation to postgreSQL... already hitting the first snag. #
    • 16:22 @6oclockvintage #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Dienstag, September 23, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 07:21 @otherinbox aww, now even the alpha version isn't working any more with Chrome? What's the current plan for Chrome support? #
    • 07:27 welcomes @andypotter to the mad but fun world of Twitter. #
    • 18:59 watching my favorite Disney movie as a child, Robin Hood, for the first time with my wife and kids. Ahh, the memories. :) #
    • 21:17 yay! otherinbox works on Chrome now! #
    • 22:17 hanging out with my brother Mark who is in Berlin to celebrate his Vordiplom. Congrats! #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Montag, September 22, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 07:32 just posted a bunch of thoughts about The Shack #
    • 15:19 very much looking forward to going to Krakow next week #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Sonntag, September 21, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 16:48 @JSKern thx! Get the Twitter application: And then the BlogThis app: Also, can recommend #
    • 16:48 playing The Sims 2 with Joshua. He loves watching our virtual family just "do their thing". Pretty funny stuff. #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Samstag, September 20, 2008

    Thoughts on "The Shack"

    I don't have the time to do a polished full-blown review plus it would make no sense given the single-digit readership of this blog. ;-) But since already a few people have asked for my thoughts on the book, here ya go:

    So "let me that would take too long. Let me sum up." I loved the book. Loved it. It was a very refreshing read, especially since I've been reading a lot of "dry" non-fiction lately. Also I have never been so touched by a book - I actually had to stop reading a few times while on the way to work so I wouldn't cry.

    At the same time, there were multiple things in the theology presented by the book that I strongly disagreed with to the point of where I don't think I would recommend the book to "baby Christians" for example. So here are my Evernote notes I jotted down while going through the book.

    Stuff I Liked

    Free will (p. 95) - I loved the thought of how God is sovereign AND humans have choices. The thought the "freedom is incremental" is just great: we can't choose out past, our DNA, our families, etc., but we CAN decide what to do right now.

    Truth is Jesus / Jesus is Truth (p. 95) - truth as ALSO being personal rather than ONLY being abstract facts is a great thought that I really agree with. See
    "Proper Confidence" by Lesslie Newbigin for a great explanation of "critical realism".

    "I'm not like you" (p.97) - YES. God's "otherness" is so important in today's world of the Buddy Christ.

    Trinity necessary for love and relationships (p. 101) - Awesome explanation why the Trinity is such a powerful explanation of reality being so relationship-oriented. Kinlaw's "Let's Start With Jesus" is a great look at this in greater depth.

    "is all this pain and suffering worth it?" "YES!!" - reminds me of the quote by Dostoevsky.

    "The real underlying flaw is you don't think I am good." "You become the judge. And if there is no reality of good that is absolute, then you ahve lost any basis for judging. It is just language, and one might as well exchange the word good for the word evil" (p.135) - the fact that it comes down to our trust specifically in the Father's goodness that causes the problem of suffering to be "solved" or not is so key. I also love this poke at the postmodern love-hate relationship with language.

    "Evil and darkness exist as the absence of good and light" - classic Christian theology here. The devil is not the opposite of God, he is a created being. Evil is not the opposite of good, it is the absence of good.

    Jesus has never drawn upon his nature as God to do anything, but rather lives as a human fully dependent on the Father (p. 99) - Mark Driscoll really struck this home with me in his talk on Christ. If we don't believe that Jesus was just as dependent upon God for ANYTHING, be it his miracles or his resistance to temptation, as we are, we are missing out on the beauty of Hebrews 4:15.

    Worry is imagining a future with God being absent. - I loved this passage reminding us of how do seldom is God a part of our imaginations of the future.

    "I am neither male nor female" (p. 93) - need to be careful here, but yes, this is true. God created man and women "in His image", meaning that maleness and femaleness derive their being from God, so God in his entirety is not solely male. (But....see below)

    "Systems cannot provide you security, only I can." - Amen! Are you listening, McCain? Obama?

    "You never disappoint me (because I know you fully)." - I love the thought of how since God knows the future there is no possible way we could ever disappoint him.

    Stuff that bothered me

    God saying "I was there with Jesus on the cross the whole time, he just didn't know it" (p. 96) - this would be a nice thought, but is missing out on God being the Righteous Judge who truly judged and fully punished Jesus who in a sense actually became sin itself for us on the cross so that our sin could be taken away (2 Corinthians 5:21).

    "I don't need to punish people for sin. Sin is its own punishment." (p.120) - This goes right along with that. Sorry, but God DOES punish people for their sin. To say that each of these hundreds of verses simply means that sin is its own punishment seems like a bit of a stretch and it also seems like the author is trying to take the opposite of the wrong view of God as ONLY Judge, malevolent sin-list-writer, frowning Grandfather. But the opposite of a wrong view is very often a wrong view itself. God IS the Righteous and Holy and Vengeant Judge who will bring about revenge and justice and punishment. But he will do so without letting go of his love and mercy. How? The Cross.

    "Hierarchy is a consequence of the Fall", the Trinity is a non-hierarchical "circle of love", "Papa is as much submitted to me as I to him. We are submitted to you in the same way." (p.145) - this is where I have one of my biggest beefs with the book. This whole part of the book really smells of the postmodern distrust of authority. Biblically it's simply wrong that there is no authority within the Trinity: The Son submits to the Father's authority, the Father holds the authority but here's the thing that postmoderns seem to miss: The Father uses his authority to glorify and exalt the Son. Authority itself is NOT a bad thing but in fact springs from God's very nature. Instead, authority and hierarchy have been corrupted by the Fall. The reason this is not just boring dry theology is it ends up seeping into all kinds of relationships. Marriage? Parenting? Church? Work? If we have such an anti-hierarchical view, it will deeply affect all these relationships and cause us to neglect the many times we are called to submit or humbly lead according to our role. Example: Ephesians 5:33 - note the different verbs.

    "God's voice had been reduced to paper, and even that paper had to be moderated and deciphered by the proper authorities and intellects. Nobody wanted God in a box, just in book. Especially an expensive one bound in leather." (p. 66) - Yes, this description came from before God comes in, but it's never really corrected: the only other times we hear about the Bible is when Mack finds a Gideon Bible next to his bed and falls asleep after reading a line or two, and when the Holy Spirit emphatically says that Scripture is only about a relationship with Jesus, not about rules or expectations. So I'm bothered by Scripture not being the centerpiece of HOW we come to know Jesus. I'm bothered that apparently everyone is encouraged to have their own mini-Shack experience rather than encouraged to crack open their dusty Bibles to experience God in his LIVING and ACTIVE word. (Theological side note here: What postmoderns don't like about texts is they distrust language itself as being a medium which can convey Truth. This in my opinion is a distrust in the very nature of God, "The Word". Truth requires a medium in order to be conveyed, and if we distrust the medium of God's Word, we are distrusting God Himself. See 1 Timothy 3:16 and a host of other verses about our need for trust in the Scriptures)


    Well there ya go, this got pretty long, but it was good for me to process. I'd love to hear your thoughts out there, readers. And I mean all three of you. ;-)

    Donnerstag, September 18, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 08:07 @CeC yeah, especially when you start sharing folders with groups of people. Pure coolness ensues. ;) #
    • 08:10 Eclipse is open on my left monitor, VS2008 on my right. Go-go IKVM! (don't break down on me...) #
    • 14:49 Giving the latest Jupiter Code Review plugin a spin. #
    • 16:45 @ajvan half serious about the enjoying part, about you making it, or about it being your own machine? ;-) #
    • 16:49 @CeC Go Anagram! :) #
    • 16:50 @Cec oops I meant Anagran #
    • 21:55 thinking I should get to bed seeing as how I'm way tired and need to get up early tomorrow... #
    • 22:00 this is awesome (did I say I wanted to go to bed? forget that) #
    • 22:16 wow, an entire course on "preaching in a postmodern world" by none other than tim keller. For free. iTunesU rocks. #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Mittwoch, September 17, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 08:48 my mind is still buzzing from reading a book my dad lent me called "The Starfish and the Spider" about decentralized organizations. #
    • 09:41 hey google desktop people out there: is there any way to do a search for a file name only? I'm looking for a file with a specific name. #
    • 10:59 i am absolutely loving otherinbox. I haven't received a single email in my GMail inbox all morning!!! What a feeling! @otherinbox #
    • 21:55 saw this just brilliant comedy/serious monologue about the current election linked on Noel's blog: I sooo agree with it. #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Dienstag, September 16, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 07:28 posting QT thoughts on John 15:1-11 ( such a refreshing reminder to simply stay connected to Jesus. #
    • 08:22 Google says they increased Google Desktop's performance big time. We'll it a try right now. #
    • 16:16 what is everybody's problem with the new Facebook? It looks way better and is more Web 2.0 / Twitter / FriendFeed - ish. #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Montag, September 15, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 07:28 Wow, John 14 is such incredible stuff. #
    • 08:37 "If there were no God, there would be no Atheists." - G.K. Chesterton #
    • 13:26 Processing The Shack. Great book, very good & challenging stuff..mixed with dangerous postmodernist theology IMHO. So frustrating. More l8r. #
    • 14:16 Dude, is the free alternative to Looks just awesome. ... #
    • 15:58 ok it's official: rules. :) #
    • 20:59 my brother sent me these awesome links: DNC in a minute RNC in a minute "fight fight fight fight..." :) #
    • 21:54 just sat and soothed my daughter after she woke up from a I'm heading to bed. good night world. #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Sonntag, September 14, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 15:51 doing an in-depth Bible study on 1 Timothy 2 with our small group. Bring it on! :) #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Samstag, September 13, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 15:38 "Anyone Else But You" is back in my head with a vengeance. "We sure are cute for two ugly people" ...Looking forward to the teaching tonight #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Freitag, September 12, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 08:19 dropbox is no longer beta! Seriously, you will NOT regret signing up - it's an automatic file backup and synchronization #
    • 10:56 ahhh, much better tune to not be able to get out of my head than the Juno song: "Satellite" by P.O.D... #
    • 14:14 @otherinbox hmm well it was the right address, but it took about 30-60 minutes to get the emails. it's definitely faster today though. weird #
    • 14:27 look over here! I'm witty, I'm smart! <insert witty and smart remark here> ... See what I mean? #
    • 14:47 can't believe i'll have been married 6 wonderful, crazy years this sunday. 6. Years. Amazing how fast life goes. #
    • 14:49 @otherinbox ok cool...though I'd rather see Chrome as your top priority. ;-) you guys are doing awesome work, I really love OI. #
    • 20:43 should be preparing my teaching on spiritual gifts, but instead I'm laughing very hard at the "best fight scene ever": #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Donnerstag, September 11, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 08:15 needed to stop reading chapter 11 of The Shack so I didn't start bawling on the train platform on the way to work this morning. #
    • 12:00 unbelievably cool (for a geek): real-time shared coding with Skype & Eclipse with ECF plugin. gotta see it to believe it #
    • 12:01 @Radman that last link makes me want to start up a little coding project with you :D ( ) #
    • 14:35 "In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is." - Yogi Berra #
    • 16:03 blown away by my brother's latest "creative digestion" it. #
    • 21:12 witty line: "Jesus was a community organizer, Pontius Pilate was a governor." #
    • 21:22 unbelievable - a 2 year-old (!!) doing backflips from his stroller: #
    • 22:19 @otherinbox hmmm how long is it supposed to take for emails to show up? #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Mittwoch, September 10, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 08:18 sweet, just got a twitter response from otherinbox that they're working on a chrome version. #
    • 08:18 @otherinbox ok cool! looking forward to it, because i love the idea of otherinbox #
    • 08:32 is sad to see Mom leave to go back to Cologne but SO thankful for all the moving help we got from our families, and from RB. we are blessed. #
    • 08:45 some of these are really great. "LeaderMan" vs "Servant Leader" #
    • 11:27 for days I haven't been able get that song from the movie Juno out of my head. "I can't see what anyone can see in anyone else but you." #
    • 22:07 practice your apologetics: how would you respond to this? #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Dienstag, September 09, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 08:14 I really like the Jesus character in The Shack. I really disagree with the author's take on authority/hierarchy being a symptom of the Fall. #
    • 08:17 @Trupedo_Glastic LOL @ "größte geistliche Katastrophe". #
    • 15:02 aww, Otherinbox doesn't work with Chrome, the mailboxes aren't refreshing. if i gotta choose between Chrome and Otherinbox, I choose Chrome. #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Montag, September 08, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 19:23 yay internet is working in our new apartment! once again twitter shows its dominance because it's the first thing i'm doing once online #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Samstag, September 06, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 21:07 nice! the move went very, very quick with like 20 helpers in 3 hours. So sweet. Now everything hurts. #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Freitag, September 05, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 08:40 have the day off work, so it's time for all-day packing, taking down Schranks (Yes, Schranks), and getting ready for the big move tomorrow. #
    • 22:46 chilling with my parents and my sister (who all just arrived) after a very, very long day of tearing stuff down. #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Donnerstag, September 04, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 23:05 wow the poker strategy site is really coming along well. tons of articles. #
    • 08:38 three chapters into "The Shack" so far. Powerful stuff. But the author's bio is the best bio EVAR. Raised among a stone-age tribe. duuude... #
    • 13:03 6 chapters into "The Shack". He's met God. God talk is a mix of 87% really good, 10% bad, and 3% really bad theology. :) Good book so far. #
    • 13:51 our office stinks like asphalt...i'd close the window but i think it's too late. #
    • 15:37 Dang I just accidentally double-posted a comment at Noel's blog making me look like an attention-hungry dork. #
    • 15:46 does tabs now! this site increased my productivity by I'm guessing ~20% simply by focusing my mind for me. #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Mittwoch, September 03, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 08:14 @Rafe i'm with meebo as a chrome single app #
    • 11:08 @Trupedo_Glastic was ich mit am besten finde ist dass man einzelne Webseiten als getrimmte Pseudo-Anwendungen mit ins Startmenü tun kann z.b #
    • 17:01 @Trupedo_Glastic Yeah! Nice! Glückwunsch! (Also jetzt wegen Teilzeitjob, nicht wegen Scheiß-bürokaffee-alle) #
    • 17:02 feieraaaaabend... our move is coming up this weekend so there will be a bunch to pack and do at home I'm sure... #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Dienstag, September 02, 2008

    OK, so if you don't know about this yet, Google has released their very own browser, in direct competition with Internet Explorer and Firefox.

    I've been trying it out for the past couple of hourse, and it's totally awesome. The only bummer I've found so far is that it doesn't have addon capabilities like Firefox, but I'm sure that'll come at some point. Oh and it's Windows only so far, but that also is only for the early phase.

    It's both faster and simpler than Firefox, and has a bunch of nice features that Firefox doesn't have (that IE doesn't even come close to being "good" should be obvious...).

    So go get it and try it out yourself.

    Today's Tweets

    • 08:24 very excited about Google Chrome.,M1 #
    • 08:38 The Google Chrome comic almost reminds me of those old gospel tract Chick comics. Almost. :),M1 #
    • 15:25 love this quote from the German "My Fair Lady": "Du fleischgewordene Beleidigung deiner Muttersprache." That's how awesome German can be. #
    • 21:20 trying out Chrome. Wow, it starts up fast. And it plays CNN unlike Firefox... #
    • 21:43 ok Chrome is way impressive when it comes to simplicity and pure speed. Too bad it won't have addons like Firefox for quite a while still. #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Montag, September 01, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 09:04 @noeljesse yeah i enjoyed the movie as well, very intense, even though it was pretty predictable IMO. "jack" always wanted to play that role #
    • 09:05 typical monday. motivation, where art thou? #
    • 22:27 OK, whoa. Google is coming out with their own browser. This is big. #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Sonntag, August 31, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 15:09 unreal. hurricane gustav is headed right for new orleans. de ja vu all over again. #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Samstag, August 30, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 10:35 @Radman yup, Kino 8, baby #
    • 10:36 OK Dark Knight was awesome, one of the best movies of 2008. Yes, I think Heath deserves an Oscar. But best movie of all time? Puh-LEEEEZ. #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Freitag, August 29, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 08:10 @noeljesse i think @dreamr is a retweet bot for tweets including the word "dream". so it's just me. hm maybe you should still be worried. ;) #
    • 08:23 sooo sad about the hate mail Richard Dawkins receives from Christians. :( #
    • 16:24 yay, going to watch The Dark Knight tonight. I can't think of another movie where SO many people have told me they LOVED it. Not even close. #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Donnerstag, August 28, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 11:11 bill clinton is expanding America's vocabulary: "cronyism" is #1 on Google's Hot Trends after he mentioned the word in his speech. #
    • 13:44 great quote: "No one ever said on their deathbed, 'Gee, I wish I had spent more time alone with my computer.' " - Daniel Paul Bunten #
    • 15:04 waded through C++ linking issues for hours, gotta say I'd much rather have Java classpath issues than this <<insert inoffensive sw ... #
    • 22:35 systematische verblödung auf pro sieben, echt jetzt. #
    • 22:35 good night world. #
    Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

    Mittwoch, August 27, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 07:30 Something tells me that if I ever read "The Shack" my review will be almost word for word the same as Noel's: #
    • 11:06 hm, Google flattened their logo. i like the old one better though. #
    • 14:57 having a bad afternoon "crash". if i laid down somewhere right now i would fall asleep in seconds. #
    • 16:10 @noeljesse you have my dream job. :P #
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    Dienstag, August 26, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 08:22 @noeljesse so what Carter is saying is we have to choose between a pro-infanticidability or a lingering-racism America? Tough. #
    • 08:23 Infanticidability is my new favorite word. #
    • 16:27 just got the hibernate sample to work. sweet! i'm a couple years behind on this, but hibernate is totally a genius idea. #
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    Montag, August 25, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 14:10 eliminating a large number of tiny bugs. feels good cause it gives me the illusion i'm being more productive than usual. #
    • 16:03 just noticed I haven't watched any Olympics at all this time around. Almost gives me a bad conscience...almost. #
    • 22:46 about to drop into a sweet sleep. #
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    Samstag, August 23, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 11:55 finishing up teaching prep for tonight. #
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    Donnerstag, August 21, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 08:32 :D #
    • 15:07 testing curl for twittering... #
    • 15:12 Looking forward to beach volleyball tonight. Didn't get Dark Knight tickets. :-( #
    • 15:33 just set twitter back to setting my facebook status again. hello facebook world. #
    • 16:37 i love meebo. i really do. but it's no fun that they make me reconnect every couple of hours... #
    • 17:03 Feierabend! #
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    Mittwoch, August 20, 2008

    Today's Tweets

    • 11:32 @Trupedo_Glastic Reply bezog sich auf deine Turm-von-Babel-Frage. Und danke für den Link, kannte ich schon, aber offensichtlich fake. ;) #
    • 11:34 just got 2GB of RAM for my work computer, tripling it to 3 GB. The whole world seems to move faster now. #
    • 15:32 what the... ? our Java program is actually FASTER (!) with the IKVM, using .NET than it is using the Java 6 VM. #
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