Donnerstag, Mai 20, 2010

Today's Tweets

  • 08:40 LOL. Prayer and Aspirin: #fb #
  • 09:29 bummed that the @gmail contact groups aren't synced to ipod/ipad contacts but just thrown into one big massive crowd... #
  • 09:30 @johans depends, what would you pay? ;D #
  • 09:59 I propose the hash tag #elf2010 for Euro Leadership Forum tweets. What say you, @Quaerentia? #
  • 10:21 @BeetyVanDeHolz "stralsund. ups. hab ich wohl was übersehen." -stephi #
  • 12:18 @Quaerentia I'll let Kevin Saylor know, maybe we can have it be announced or something. Feel free to filter out "#elf2010 AND #ipad" btw. ;) #
  • 13:00 Woohoo!!! RT @Gizmodo: In case our foreign-friends-with-iPads haven't noticed, you can now download apps #
  • 14:12 @Quaerentia idolatry, eh? there's an app for that... #
  • 14:15 @Quaerentia kevin said he'll add it to the daily newsletter people get in their binders. #
  • 16:51 @depone gibt schon deutsches spotify oder n utzt du das französische? #
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