Mittwoch, Mai 19, 2010

Today's Tweets

  • 06:24 Even to your old age I am he, and to gray hairs I will carry you. I have made, and I will bear; I will carry and will save. Isaiah 46:4 #fb #
  • 08:32 "There's something to be said for consistency, what Eugene Peterson calls 'long obedience in the same direction.'" #fb #
  • 09:40 @danbovenmyer love the lyrics too, i remember being so struck w/Kansas. all the more bummed about her interview w/Larry King, though. :( #
  • 10:20 Wow, seems like all cool geeks are quitting Facebook. Bit too early 4 me. But we'll see how Diaspora turns out. #fb #
  • 13:56 People's response to the iPad("no USB?!") reminds me of my 1st response to the iMac 12 years ago("what? no disk drive? seriously?!") #fb #
  • 14:00 @Q uaerentia haven't talked about it for over 20 tweets. :P a little sensitive are we? :) #
  • 14:08 @gammaproduction the thing is: i haven't really needed the usb, what with nearly all my stuff being in the cloud anyways. #
  • 14:14 @Quaerentia yeah the emphasis being on "and all that". ;-) #
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