Freitag, Mai 07, 2010

Today's Tweets

  • 08:18 trying out foursquare w/ my ipod touch the last couple days - . fun stuff, turning life into a bit of a game... #fb #
  • 08:22 yikes. RT @CeC: How to lose iPad Keynote/Pages work: 1. Upgrade iTunes 2. Sync iPad, which has forgotten that it's registered 3. Files gone. #
  • 08:33 LOL RT @JPBarlow: A market that can freefall a 1000 points in 20 minutes on account of a typo is a market run by hysterical schoolgirls. #fb #
  • 09:26 @Pastor_T so we can expect you to tell us that you're sparing us a picture 40 more times today? ;) #
  • 12:39 Facebook will soon be plunging the Earth into the Sun. To change: Settings->Planetary then DESELECT the 'Apocalypse' box.via @andypotter #fb #
  • 15:37 stephi said the mailman was just there with a package...Joshua's birthday present for tomorrow. No iPad yet. don't ya love waiting? #fb #
  • 20:56 totally procrastinating when i should be prepping for 1 cor 7. oh and no ipad yet :( (thank goodness or the procrastination'd be worse). #fb #
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