Montag, April 27, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 09:20 ok i have 1 hour till i get interrupted by a meeting...time for a Chasing Furies concentration phase... #
  • 11:47 a friend gave us some yummy leftover couscous yesterday. Stephi said she was positive I'd forget to bring it to work today. she was right :( #
  • 11:49 Fleet Foxes brainwashing... "Oliver James, washed in the rain...NOOOOOOOO LOOOOOOONGEER" #
  • 11:57 off to lunch with @speedymichi #
  • 14:58 astounded by another awesome card created by Stephi, this time for joshua's upcoming 4th b-day. she should start a card company or something #
  • 15:23 @speedymichi that's right and you should become a professional motivator. </sarcasm> ;) #
  • 16:24 welcome to twitter @dcmfield! it's a jungle out here... #
  • 19:29 finally going to get to specific planning of our upcoming summer trip to the U.S. tonight. sorry @radman for taking so long! #
  • 22:25 anyone else interested in joining the alpha test of my prayer networking tool, let me know. #
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