Donnerstag, Juni 24, 2010

Today's Tweets

  • 08:27 polldaddy for ipad almost makes me wish i was surveying people. who *wouldn't* want to take a survey using an ipad? #fb #
  • 10:11 two day break from our testing phase for a bug fixing sprint. major breath of fresh air. Coding is so much more fun than manual testing. #fb #
  • 12:34 as of yesterday, I'm over 85kg. i told myself if i ever pass 85 I will make that the point that i choose to lose weight. #saladforlunch #fb #
  • 12:35 qualifies for most random news headline ever in my book: / via @Trupedo_Glastic via @fraencko #fb #
  • 15:04 @andypotter This reminded me of your blues improv sessions. :) #
  • 16:11 @Radman ;) #
  • 16:57 Funny and sad because so true: "Stuff Christians like: Not using or google" Snopes FTW!!! #fb #
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1 Kommentar:

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