Sonntag, Juni 13, 2010

Today's Tweets

  • 14:39 Did the teaching on 1 Cor 12 this morning using Keynote on iPad + VGA adapter. Worked really well. Totally fun. Love keynote. #fb #
  • 18:40 Just won an important board game against Stephi. Important because the loser had to change Luke's potent diaper. Phew. No really: phew. #fb #
  • 20:47 watching the germany game while tokboxing w @danbovenmyer. his TV signal is 20 secs behind ours. :) prob. because of #nipplegate #fb #
  • 20:57 YEAH! We are playing better than any other team I've seen so far!!! SCHLAAAAND!!! #fb #
  • 21:04 anyone else want to join @danbovenmyer and me watching each other watch the game? #fb #
  • 22:50 LOL RT What do men and women have in common? They both distrust men. /via @nlnnet #fb #
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