Dienstag, Mai 19, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:09 ♫ zohombay *hiccup* zohombay *hiccup* zohomabay *hiccup* ay *hiccup* ay *hiccup* ay *hiccup* oh *hiccup* oh *hiccup* oh *hiccup*... ♫ #fb #
  • 09:58 "it's almost always fiction in the end, content begins to bend when context is never the same." so glad that's not true. :) #fb #
  • 14:26 excited about our oh-so-secret ;) up-and-coming Eclipse plugin for keeping documentation up-to-date. currently testing it internally. #fb #
  • 15:36 please pray. stephi just called and said joshua smacked his nose really, really bad on the living room table. she's called an ambulance. #fb #
  • 15:54 latest on joshua: bleeding stopped. Stephi thinks nose might be broken. big gash above nose between the eyes. ambulance not there yet #fb #
  • 16:04 latest on joshua: ambulance came, they're on their way to the hospital to check for internal injury. lucy is w/the kids til i get there. #fb #
  • 21:15 Joshua just woke up from the operation, he got stiches on the nose but it is not broken, doing good, stays with me in the hospital #fb #
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