Freitag, Mai 01, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 14:22 stayed up last night and beat World of Goo (better than Lemmings!). late breakfast. today is my first real "Sabbath" in a pretty long time. #
  • 14:30 refreshingly optimistic take on the flu: love the bio: "carlos loves WoW, prayer, and mathematics" (hey, my 2000th tweet!) #
  • 14:44 wow, great link. free MP3 of awesome indie music: RT @crookoo #
  • 16:00 RT @noeljesse Here's a handy little app to help you see if you have the swine flu: #swineflu #
  • 23:00 Just watched Elegy with Cruz & Kingsley. Man, my heart aches for those characters. If only they knew the Source of constant(!) hope... :( #
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