Dienstag, Mai 12, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 06:58 starting to read Isaiah today. Looking forward to it, it's been a long time since I've read it and it's one of my fav. books of the Bible#fb #
  • 07:12 "Let's reason tog., says the Lord: tho yr sins r like scarlet, they'll be white as snow; tho they're red like crimson, they'll be like wool" #
  • 13:18 thinking how i love stephi and that it'll be awesome to grow old with her. (feel free to tell her i tweeted this. brownie points FTW...) #fb #
  • 16:20 hope i can find or make the time to read the free book by CJ Mahaney on "Biblical Productivity" is.gd/zaOg thanks @noeljesse #fb #
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