Mittwoch, April 16, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 08:41 had an awesome birthday. thanks to all for the gazillion congratulations. web 2.0 seems to be pretty nice for birthdays ;)... #
  • 09:12 giving my sony ericsson walkman a test run. so far, not bad. will it dethrone my ipod nano? only time will tell...but it's very possible. #
  • 14:15 had a good talk with @OnkelToby over lunch break with a Caramel Macchiato Grande... #
  • 15:00 @OnkelToby aso, was ich dich fragen wollte: wie war denn der Kaffee? #
  • 15:21 @OnkelToby jo der preis ist echt frech - hab 4,20€ für meinen latte macchiato bezahlt. #
  • 15:33 XML, XSD, SAX, DOM, oh my! #
  • 16:13 Just learned that the singular word "Elter" actually exists in German. Whodathunk? #
  • 16:16 @Radman here's hoping you stay happy, bro. :) keep that architecture in line #
  • 16:36 my body seems to have suddenly remembered i only had 6 hours of sleep last night.0 #
  • 17:04 feierabend! #
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