Mittwoch, April 02, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 08:13 had a rough night. hard to concentrate on work... #
  • 10:03 reinstalling my Java plugin for Firefox after I somehow managed to delete it. weirdness... #
  • 10:42 wondering how easy it would be to get the NET bible onto my cell phone #
  • 11:22 yay, i get to check some more English in our documentation. how i love monotonosity. is monotonosity a word? #
  • 11:25 ok so it's monotony. too bad. monotonosity somehow catches it better. #
  • 12:29 sweet! there it is!! net bible for java cell phones: internet, how i love thee #
  • 13:42 would love a nice 60 minute nap right #
  • 15:14 @OnkelToby was ich schon länger fragen wollte: wie kommst du eigentlich auf "OnkelToby"? #
  • 15:29 having my third, no, fourth cup of coffee today. (yeah there was some hebrew rhetoric for ya). #
  • 15:55 @OnkelToby ah da dämmert mir was, ich glaub das hattest du mir mal vor langer zeit schon mal gesagt #
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