Dienstag, September 20, 2005

Our first actual "just us" vacation for the past two years! We're in Kemer, Turkey.
Phew, the weather is awesome here - pretty much non-stop sunny, the water's about 24°C, we're in a great four-star hotel (which is about the equivalent of a U.S. or Euro 3-star hotel) with good food, as many free drinks as you like, and a nice swimming pool.
We went to the beach on Monday, which is a pebbled beach rather than a sandy one (advantages: no sand in every crevice, disadvantages: it...ouch...can hurt your feet a...ouch...bit to just walk in or...ow...out of the water).
We'll be updating our Flickr page with pictures soon - remember boys and girls: the address is h-t-t-p-:-/-/-w-w-w-.-f-l-i-c-k-r-.-c-o-m-/-p-h-o-t-o-s-/-j-o-h-n-s-t-e-p-h-i.

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