Freitag, Februar 12, 2010

Today's Tweets

  • 08:26 @BeetyVanDeHolz @oliholz kommt, das ist doch bestimmt eure geheime codesprache... ;) #
  • 08:27 @BeetyVanDeHolz @oliholz nach dem Motto kannst ja evt schon mal "Stulle" "schmieren" und "Wasser" "kochen" :-D #
  • 08:28 RT @JohnPiper Really glad I qualify for guidance. "Good and upright is the LORD; therefore he instructs sinners in the way"(Psalms 25:8) #fb #
  • 08:37 Hehe... RT @aslanschild Bic Pens are the larva form of coat hangers. #fb #
  • 11:06 After hours of hunting, I successfully managed to slay an ugly, elusive bug in some ancient code I wrote when I was young and stupid. ;) #fb #
  • 11:53 ROFL RT @codinghorror: On the Stack Overflow team, whoever breaks the build must wear the experts-exchange t-shirt. It is our shame item. #
  • 15:24 How To Bring Your Google Buzz Entries to Twitter: #fb #
  • 15:37 @MattChandler74 congrats man! you are such an encouragement to so many people. god bless... #
  • 15:47 It's snowing outside. Winters are best when it snows. It makes Al Gore mad. #haiku #fb #
  • 16:35 @ ajvan I'd love that, thanks so much. Do you have my email address? #
  • 20:33 Can't believe only works when you switch to English. For a year now. Embarrassing for Google. #
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