Freitag, Februar 05, 2010

Today's Tweets

  • 08:31 OK so this is "pure awesome" for anyone doing a lot of reading on the web: the "readability" bookmarklet: #fb #
  • 08:36 Currently reading "A Thousand Splendid Suns" and whoa, it is gripping, intensely tragic, and well-written. Anyone else out there agree? #fb #
  • 08:36 "Rashid snorted. 'You don't know what a communist is? EVERYONE knows.' He mumbled it was someone who believed in Karl Marxist." LOL #fb #
  • 08:50 OK this *definitely* looks like an iPad camera. taken directly from the keynote video. cc @noeljesse @dreamawakener #fb #
  • 09:50 @mzeecedric if you're implying that gripping, tragic, and well-written novels are for girls, I pity you. ;-) #
  • 14:38 "For you so loved the unlovable/that you gave the ineffable/that who so believes the unbelievable/will gain the unattainable." #fb #
  • 14:56 Win an iPad to use w/ free @Logos Bible Software app for iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad! Details: #
  • 15:07 @Roscoetherev congrats you lucky man you. ;) #
  • 15:12 @tomkpunkt persönlich nicht, aber wenn @roscoetherev gefaket ist, ess ich meinen handschuh #
  • 16:54 "Tell me why you were impatient with your wife.....NOW!" LOL RT @noeljesse: If Jack Bauer was my Pastor: #fb #
  • 19:42 Joshua asked why skin gets wrinkly when he's in the bathtub. I was surprised to find out: Science doesn't know why! #fb #
  • 21:59 what is going on with the internets? everything is s o s l o w . . . #fb #
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