Mittwoch, Dezember 09, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 09:40 thinking about how the dual nature of light (wave/particle) is such a great illustration for the dual nature of Jesus (God/man). #fb #
  • 10:47 Wow. Chrome extensions are AWESOME. Far faster to install/uninstall than Firefox. Gmail, Twitter, GWave, Stackoverflow, Facebook... yay! #fb #
  • 12:33 Now that Chrome has extensions: NO excuse (except paranoia) to not use Chrome as your default browser. fast&simple. #fb #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

1 Kommentar:

* hat gesagt…

On the outside Google appears to be a friendly grandma offering cookies and milk. But in reality behind the smiley faces of Google lurks one of the most diabolical data gathering machines ever created by man. Google literally tracks and follows and stores in it's databases every keystroke and every move you make on your computer. Google is renowned for blatant invasion of privacy. Chrome looks friendly enough. But beware of what's going on behind the scenes of Chromes brower. My suggestion is to do a Google search. Keywords: "chrome invasion of privacy" - scroll down the page and you'll be stunned at how Google gathers and permanently stores personal information about you and all google users. Here's one of the pages in Google search results: "Google's new browser Chrome and invasion of privacy- - IT SPIES ON YOU" Or do a google search with the keywords "google invasion of privacy" - My advice is to beware of the deceptively smiling faces of Google.