Freitag, Dezember 04, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:06 "Humanity is unique: it is created in the image of God. Put differently: humans are the only creatures God Himself can become one of." #fb #
  • 14:49 time for some free associations: banana, orange, pineapple, lemon, grape, apple, watermelon, CEMENT TRUCK. #
  • 19:29 Beautiful. A "Wordle" of Matt Chandler's blog post just hours b4 his brain surgery (which is currently underway). #fb #
  • 20:41 OW! My 11-month-old just grabbed my cheek, tore off something like half my face with his fingernails & then grinned at my cries of pain. #fb #
  • 22:35 "Just do it." #fb #
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