Dienstag, September 22, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 06:50 Jesus loves you too AND Coldplay! #fb #
  • 09:18 wowed by ReviewClipse is.gd/3yhd6. Combining that with our doc review plugin Doqua (bit.ly/2a84nM) would rock #plugin #eclipse #
  • 09:31 @Trupedo_Glastic krass du bist der 3. in einer Woche mit Blue Screens. Ich nehme an du hast dir vor kurzen SP2 draufgezogen? deinstallieren! #
  • 10:17 @Trupedo_Glastic Service Pack 2, ein Update, was Vista selber installieren will. #
  • 10:25 ticked off at Google for making the multiple inboxes Gmail Lab feature require the browser to have a width of 1200 pixels when mine has 1150 #
  • 14:20 Busy squashing many many mini-bugs. fun but sticky. #fb #
  • 16:44 @soomah and don't forget labyrinths ;) #
  • 16:56 RT @CatalystLeader RT @TonyMorganLive Listen to New David Crowder Band for FREE! bit.ly/YjZo8 #fb #
  • 22:44 Inglourious Basterds truly is the best film of the year. So unique. Funny, edgy. Love the meta-humor. An archetypical Tarantino flick. #fb #
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