Mittwoch, März 11, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:16 sad, sad story on SO many different levels, including the church's response (rapid-fire excommunication). And Jesus wept. #
  • 08:33 see which words I use a lot in my twitters. @Trupedo_Glastic do you feel honored? :) #
  • 08:54 @tomkpunkt lol. 96dpi an Platz 8, öfter als "die" und "es" :D #
  • 11:42 Startup Delayer: Coolest idea since indoor plumbing. #
  • 15:35 Wow. GREAT contrast. RT @noeljesse Interesting article with Ed Young and Neil Cole interviewed together: #
  • 19:00 RT @soomah The search for the cause of the shootings. "played w/ guns as a kid", "violent computer games"? how about "he was a bad person"? #
  • 20:12 dang, i finally find the time to try out @quakelive and boom the server goes down for 2 hours for an update. :-( #
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