Donnerstag, Februar 03, 2005

OK, that does it - everyone go buy themselves a headset for like 5 Euros, then go download Skype - a free Internet telephone program. It's just so awesome how well it works, and it's free!
I just got off Skyping a three-way conference with my Mom in Dortmund and my Dad in Amsterdam - for free!
The quality is absolutely incredible, so long as you're not downloading something on the side or as long as you're not sharing your connection with a bunch of people.
And did I mention it's free?
Once you have it, add johnstephi (one word) to your contacts, and skype us!


Auf gut Deutsch: wer sich Skype (kostenloses Internet-Telefonieren in unglaublich genialer Qualität) nicht holt ist dämlich. :)

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