Samstag, Dezember 26, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 21:56 playing outburst with the fam. "symbols found on flags". go. #fb #
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Freitag, Dezember 25, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 16:13 BTW that last quote was from Peter Larson, not me. :) I can only wish I had profound thoughts like that.. ;) Merry Christmas everyone!!! #fb #
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Donnerstag, Dezember 24, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 05:35 "And we're a herd of turtles." #
  • 14:37 At my in-laws' place, doing the Christmas eve message at their church this afternoon. Wearing a bit nicer clothes than I usually do.. ;) #fb #
  • 14:47 "Jesus' life: bracketed by 2 impossib.: virgin's womb & empty tomb. He came thru door marked No Entrance, left thru door marked No Exit" #fb #
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Mittwoch, Dezember 23, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:27 is backing up my tweets. They support Flickr, Basecamp, Google Docs, and more. Free if you signup by Jan 31st #
  • 08:41 Stephi's train 2 Hauptbahnhof stopped 'cause of an accident in front of them. Looks like she'll miss her train down 2 her parents. #pray #fb #
  • 09:13 yay! 30 secs after my last tweet, stephi's train started moving again and then she just barely caught her train. if you prayed - thanks! #fb #
  • 10:39 YES! RT @soomah: RT @Loswhit If all your friends go to church then maybe you need to ask for a new friend for Christmas. #fb #
  • 16:47 @prodigaljohn that that statistic is utter BS, based on a divorce consultancy called "Divorce-Online" #
  • 16:50 the "facebook cited in 20% of divorces" statistic is from a divorce agency called "Divorce-Online". Yeah. There is such a thing. #fb #
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Dienstag, Dezember 22, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:19 Hilarious. "The perils of English pronunciation" #fb #
  • 08:21 RT @JPBarlow: "On the one hand, we'll never experience childbirth. On the other hand, we can open all our own jars." - Bruce Willis #fb #
  • 11:02 @gammaproduction lol. you wish... ;) #
  • 11:24 Enjoying a "Flow" experience...millions of bytes are being re-ordered and reconstructed at my command. mwahahaha.... #größenwahnsinnig #fb #
  • 13:19 RT @dieternuhr Global warming is intense: -17°C to 0°C just in the last 2 days. If this trend continues it'll be 17°C on Christmas Eve! #fb #
  • 22:18 Beautifully done: people all over the world improvising together on "Stand By Me". Enjoy: #fb #
  • 22:22 RT @ScrewtapeTweets: Defend the "Christ" in "Merry Christmas" with such venom that you end up removing the "Merry". #fb #
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Montag, Dezember 21, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:26 Brittany Murphy just died yesterday. Quote: "It's not unusual for a younger person to die of natural causes." Wow. #fb #
  • 08:53 RT @leibowitz Polizei dringt widerrechtlich in meine Wohnung ein und verletzt Bürgerrechte. Bitte RT! Unfassbar. #
  • 12:20 Congrats Toby! RT @dungeondigger: we released the German demo to our newest game "Drakensang - River of Time" #fb #
  • 14:55 @Radman yup. it even looks like we might get a white Christmas this year! *gasp* #
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Sonntag, Dezember 20, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 10:30 Rock Berlin Gottesdienst #fb (Broadcasting live at #
  • 14:47 having 2 send back an Amazon order. VERY impressed by how streamlined and easy it is to send stuff back. Amazon sure knows logistics. #fb #
  • 18:47 Love the burning bush scene in "Prince of Egypt". Love it. #fb #
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Samstag, Dezember 19, 2009

Today's Tweets

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Freitag, Dezember 18, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:30 Finding the "Gore effect" deliciously hilarious. Gore speaks about global warming, temperatures drop the same day. #fb #
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Donnerstag, Dezember 17, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:22 Christianity, if false, is of no importance & if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cant be is moderately important. C.S. Lewis #
  • 11:45 Way cool Google tool for web developers: see how much your visitors are seeing due to their browser size. #fb #
  • 16:37 Having 2 work with C++ 2 create a shell extension. Ugh, after working w/ Java/C#/Python, this feels so...primitive. In a negative way. #fb #
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Mittwoch, Dezember 16, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:48 ppl are starting 2 use Facebook direct messages instead of email 4 normal communication. don't know if i can handle more than 1 inbox! #fb #
  • 11:22 Google-Wave-brainstorming with four other guys from our company at the same time. Works incredibly well. #fb #
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Dienstag, Dezember 15, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 10:46 Just did a mini-presentation on Dependency Injection & Inversion of Control. Fun stuff. Biblical, too. ;) #design-patterns #programming #fb #
  • 14:10 @JohnPiper I'd say if we don't know enough people, we also don't speak enough truth! #
  • 15:37 @martinbonnet #
  • 15:58 "friends don't let friends use IE6" - Microsoft. @mzeecedric #
  • 17:02 ok so truly rocks with its Chrome extension. Think I'm actually going to switch and give them the keys to the kingdom.. #fb #
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Montag, Dezember 14, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:17 Are you ready, work week? Quote of the day: RT @speedymichi Life is like drawing without an eraser. #fb #
  • 10:44 someone next door has been drilling for hours now. Luckily i have the perfect tool for isolating myself from my environment! #ipod #ftw #fb #
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Sonntag, Dezember 13, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 09:28 Rock Berlin Weihnachtsgottesdienst (ab 10.42) #fb (Broadcasting live at #
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Samstag, Dezember 12, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 21:41 We're live streaming the Rock Berlin Christmas service tomorrow for anyone interested. 10:42am GMT+1. Single digit viewership FTW. ;) #fb #
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Freitag, Dezember 11, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 12:12 teaching prep on the "open sourced" John 1 teaching for Sunday... #
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Donnerstag, Dezember 10, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 09:35 The slogan of the brand of toilet paper we use at work: "For the love of your butt." (Deinem Po zuliebe.) Simple. Direct. Effective. #fb #
  • 11:41 having 2 work with & refactor horribly designed code I wrote 4 yrs ago & remember being proud of. Hah! 1 large piece of Humble Pie plz. #fb #
  • 15:03 Sheesh! RT @inetsoftware BI analysts: open source reporting ~$30k/year // we can beat that! :D #
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Mittwoch, Dezember 09, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 09:40 thinking about how the dual nature of light (wave/particle) is such a great illustration for the dual nature of Jesus (God/man). #fb #
  • 10:47 Wow. Chrome extensions are AWESOME. Far faster to install/uninstall than Firefox. Gmail, Twitter, GWave, Stackoverflow, Facebook... yay! #fb #
  • 12:33 Now that Chrome has extensions: NO excuse (except paranoia) to not use Chrome as your default browser. fast&simple. #fb #
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Dienstag, Dezember 08, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:39 ohhhh - echofon! glückwunsch zum neuen apple-gerät... @tomkpunkt #
  • 13:08 Does anyone I know want a Wave invite? I have 9 to give out... #fb #
  • 15:13 @BeetyVanDeHolz ist losgeschickt. viel spass (kann ein paar stunden dauern bis du's dann bekommst) #
  • 17:00 about to head off to our company Christmas dinner. Maredo's steak house. Mmmmh...yum. Unfortunately wives aren't invited. Poor Stephi... #fb #
  • 22:18 LOL @ popstars schwachsinn. mir scheint sie haben das in letzter sekunde entschieden, weil zu wenige angerufen haben ??? #popstars #fail #
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Montag, Dezember 07, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 06:57 Strategic week planning time w/Stephi commencing in T-3 minutes. #fb #
  • 08:15 @ajvan isn't it spelled "flak", as in...flak? :) #
  • 09:59 been reading "Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe" 2 my kids. Yesterday: Aslan's resurrection. So touching 2 see Joshua's eyes light up w/ joy #fb #
  • 15:51 "no ethical software dev would write a DestroyBaghdad procedure. Ethics would lead him 2 instead write a generic DestroyCity procedure." #fb #
  • 17:03 @ajvan it gets worse tha n that, man. i hate to break it to ya, but your twitter bio says "flack". ;-) #
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Sonntag, Dezember 06, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 10:32 Rock Berlin (Broadcasting live at #
  • 14:29 @martinbonnet pretty straightforward: sign up 4 free at - start a broadcast. the sound was just my laptop mic. easy 2 improve. #
  • 14:30 @martinbonnet yay about pia being home for the weekend! we continue to pray for you guys. #
  • 21:03 So, Facebook users: Is it possible to grow weed on Farmville and sell it on Mafia Wars? #fb #
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Samstag, Dezember 05, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 10:13 Me: "Sarah, sit next 2 Joshua instead of standing in front of him, then he can see the TV." Sarah: "Joshua, Daddy told me 2 sit on you!" #fb #
  • 14:06 teaching prep 4 feel like a kid standing in a candy store w/25c in my hand. God give me wisdom 2 handle your word well #fb #
  • 17:12 Will teach about Matthew's genealogy tomorrow. Lucky for me, it'll certainly be the best genealogy teaching any RBer has ever heard. ;-) #fb #
  • 17:25 @Trupedo_Glastic sieht sehr cool aus, tolle Idee auch. Mögen eure Erwartungen für den Abend übertroffen werden! #bzwLEBEN #
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Freitag, Dezember 04, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:06 "Humanity is unique: it is created in the image of God. Put differently: humans are the only creatures God Himself can become one of." #fb #
  • 14:49 time for some free associations: banana, orange, pineapple, lemon, grape, apple, watermelon, CEMENT TRUCK. #
  • 19:29 Beautiful. A "Wordle" of Matt Chandler's blog post just hours b4 his brain surgery (which is currently underway). #fb #
  • 20:41 OW! My 11-month-old just grabbed my cheek, tore off something like half my face with his fingernails & then grinned at my cries of pain. #fb #
  • 22:35 "Just do it." #fb #
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Donnerstag, Dezember 03, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 13:29 driscoll about elizabeth in luke 1: "she went home rejoicing that she was pregnant and that she had a mute husband." LOL. #fb #
  • 14:17 finally able to check out Guice to see whether we can use it. looking great so far. #geek #java #
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Mittwoch, Dezember 02, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:46 stinksauer auf o2. kriege jeden tag nen anruf aufs handy, wo dann 1 sekunde später aufgelegt wird. kommt von o2! #fail #
  • 09:50 Haha @ latest XKCD about Spinal Tap's "But it goes to 11." #fb #
  • 13:28 the "open source" teaching idea is working out really, really well so far. So exciting to see so many RBers commenting on John 1. #gwave #fb #
  • 13:53 just stumbled across a boring repetitive task which unfortunately needs to be done. only one thing to do: bonobo on ipod & CHARGE... #
  • 13:59 @radman yup. works really well because you have the text and then people are threading in their comments. #
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Dienstag, Dezember 01, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 06:40 off to breakfast with @dungeondigger #
  • 09:58 @BeetyVanDeHolz hast ma wieder nicht aufgegessen gestern, wa? #
  • 13:11 decided 2 try an "open source" teaching on John 1 w/GWave: any Rock Berliner can comment/post Q's ahead of time. We'll see how it goes. #fb #
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Freitag, November 27, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 15:39 hanging out at my parents' place in Cologne, looking forward to Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. Ah the memories... #fb #
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Donnerstag, November 26, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:19 LOL RT @bobhyatt - Postmodern pastor shopping trip #fb #
  • 09:36 length of sleep (LoS) and amount of consumed caffeine the next day (AoCCtnD) are inversely exponentially related. #fb #
  • 14:15 wow, a friend i invited to google wave got his invite in a matter of minutes PLUS 8 invites of his own. They seem to be opening up... #fb #
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Mittwoch, November 25, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:26 It would be so much easier to be a sheepdog than a shepherd. #fb #
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Dienstag, November 24, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 16:28 @oliholz hast du dein google wave invite gekriegt? #
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Montag, November 23, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:17 @natepoindexter seriously? if so congratulations! If not, what do you mean? :) #
  • 12:47 Haikus are easy / But sometimes they don't make sense / Refrigerator #fb #
  • 13:14 just wrote my first little Wave robot in my lunch break. Try it out if you feel like it: fun stuff. #fb #
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Sonntag, November 22, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 21:06 finally getting around to watching the new Terminator: Salvation. Very, very impressive flick. Great stuff so far. #fb #
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Freitag, November 20, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:17 So true! RT @djchuang RT @nobuildings The church cannot use consumerism to advance a non-consumerist Kingdom. #fb #
  • 08:26 "The most common complaint u used 2 hear about Apple was their fans admired them too uncritically. AppStore changed that" #
  • 08:29 least for some, it changed that. looking at you @gammaproduction :D #
  • 10:34 working on some C# code, fixing bugs. I <3 C#. #
  • 11:53 @Trupedo_Glastic LOL. ich muss zugeben hatte auch lange zeit solche assoziationen. #
  • 12:15 ok so the new Google Translate is INCREDIBLE. Seriously. INCREDIBLE. Try it out if you know two languages. #fb #
  • 12:52 teaching prep over lunch break. very excited about attempting the impossible: describing the "indescribable" joy in #fb #
  • 14:47 good news fellow European LOST addicts: don't need a proxy to watch U.S. shows online, u only need this Firefox addon #fb #
  • 14:47 LOL RT johnperrybarlow "Death to the Intolerant!" #fb #
  • 19:26 Heading out to my first-ever Karao ke party at RB. Yes you read that correctly. Let's do this... #fb #
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Donnerstag, November 19, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 06:56 so yeah, the new Retweet function sucks at this point. No editing of the retweet, no adding commentary, no shortening so it fits... #
  • 09:35 I have a very short attention sp..OOH! Shiny! #fb #
  • 13:27 Not to open a can o' worms, but great discussion on Biblical inerrancy here IMHO, balanced views being presented: . #fb #
  • 13:27 aaaaand back to writing my 20 page documentation guide. *yawn* #
  • 13:54 @jcherup Goldeneye. Hands down. Nothing comes even close to that Bonding Experience. #
  • < li>14:10 @Trupedo_Glastic uneployed? #
  • 14:20 @Trupedo_Glastic aaaah i assume it was missing an "m" and you mean your "to-read-since-i've-unfortunately-got-time" bookmarks? #
  • 17:01 our church has started using wave as our detail/operations hub. working pretty well with the taskboardy gadget: fun! #fb #
  • 17:02 @LA_Gregory interestingly though, "disciple" is not found once(!!) after Acts. #
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Mittwoch, November 18, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 06:36 time for early morning prayer with lotsandlotsofcoffee... enough to wake the dead. ;) #fb #
  • 08:09 funny how i was slightly saddened but deeply comforted by the sight of a dead sparrow on the sidewalk today. #fb #
  • 13:30 Great & funny secular(!) columnist on why living together before marriage is a Bad Idea™. #fb #
  • 13:47 @Trupedo_Glastic LOL. unglaublich. #
  • 16:46 RT @Trupedo_Glastic RT @isabo_ Please, please tell me they're joking. Wii Pray: ww They're joking. Right?..Right? #fb #
  • 21:14 Let all who take refuge in u rejoice&sing joyful praises 4evr. Spread ur protection over them so all who love ur name may b filled w/joy #fb #
  • 22:26 just watched another Flashforward episode w/Stephi. Pretty cool show though it doesn't hold a candle to LOST(can't wait for season six!) #fb #
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Dienstag, November 17, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 10:15 @dungeondigger steht das bei uns i-wo? :) RT @Trupedo_Glastic Liebe Christen: Niemand außer euch benutzt noch ernsthaft das Wort "chillen". #
  • 10:32 just saw mylyn/tasktop has a focus button for breakpoints, too! no more breakpoint chaos! mylyn, how do i love thee, let me count the ways.. #
  • 11:23 just installed a windows update and have to reboot. yes. even windows 7 has to reboot after most updates. #ohwhenwilltheyeverlearn #fb #
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Montag, November 16, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:48 wow. more than anything else, what shows me I have a really fast computer here at work is that Firefox starts up in 1-2 seconds. #
  • 08:53 ...while Google Chrome obviously is still an instant startup. which is the main reason my main browser has been Chrome for about a year now. #
  • 10:58 Hahaha, best StackOverlow answer evar: "...HTML and regex go together like love, marriage, and ritual infanticide..." #
  • 12:55 the funniest thing I have seen in a long, long time: a whole blog dedicated to funny Google autocompletes: #fb #
  • 13:10 can't believe this actually works. Try typing in "Why is" on google and it autosuggests "Why is there a dead Pakistani on my couch?" ROTFL. #
  • 13:40 @Trupedo_Glastic yeah and a pretty funny one at that. :) still awesome w/out context. ;) #
  • 14:49 RT @bobhyatt "Community is the place where the person u least want to live with always lives." Henri Nouwen never heard of online church #fb #
  • 14:56 installing Visual Studio 2008 on my new work computer. taking a very... very........ very.......... long......... time. #
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Sonntag, November 15, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 20:52 "Knowing the truth is something which follows as a matter of course from being the truth, and not conversely." - Kierkegaard #
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Samstag, November 14, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 15:28 My 2 (?!) books "Wild Goose Chase" and "Forgotten Ways" just arrived - I won a Twitter contest a while back. Thanks SO much @catalystleader! #
  • 16:52 ticked off at the NLT for screwing up 1 Pe 1:7. Compare;NLT;ESV yes i'm a Bible geek aren't u? #fb #
  • 17:51 RT @bobhyatt If you believe in and put forward the idea of a God who never judges, you are no friend of the victimized or the oppressed. #fb #
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Freitag, November 13, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:16 RT @johnperrybarlow I find it hard to trust the untrusting. I'm generally suspicious of the generally suspicious. #fb #
  • 08:19 Stephi sees Joshua dancing by himself after watching Dancing w/the Stars. "Joshua, r u dancing?" *he blushes* "No, I'm stretching..." :D #fb #
  • 09:26 @Trupedo_Glastic lol ging mir heute genauso :D #
  • 12:44 @Trupedo_Glastic oh mann. tut mir leid. :( #
  • 12:56 pretty darn cool flash thingy which shows the scale of a coffee bean, a grain of salt, a human egg, a skin cell, etc. #fb #
  • 14:16 @davidcshepherd bummer, but thanks for taking a look. doesn't sound like it'll be supported any time soon? #
  • 15:41 wondering if there's a way to easily get the time estimates and real times from@tasktop and do some fogbugz type velocity analysis... #
  • 16:59 hacked up a quick python script to do what i wanted. the mylyn task data is at workspace/.metadata/.mylyn/ - nice&easy w/python #
  • 20:00 Just recorded a quick 3-part a capella of 1 verse of "Take my life" just for fun. Check it out if you feel like it. #fb #
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Donnerstag, November 12, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:43 If you read "Choose-your-own-adventure" books as a kid and are even slightly geeky, you will be stunned by this #fb #cyoa #
  • 09:27 listening to fleet foxes as a good antidote for one of the greyest days lately. "sun rising/dangling there/golden & fair/in the sky" #fb #
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Mittwoch, November 11, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:36 @davidcshepherd eclipse 3.5, windows 7, 64 bit, tasktop pro. new install. outlook connector is grey and doesn't appear in list of connectors #
  • 08:37 @davidcshepherd oh, and outlook 2003 #
  • 08:38 @davidcshepherd just saw that might be confusing: grey in the "tasktop features list" but not shown at all in calendars or connectors #
  • 13:06 LOL RT @bobhyatt Do I still have to pay (CCLI fees) if I sing "Shine, Jesus, Shine", you know... Ironically? #fb #
  • 13:32 LOL quite the sma rt atheist: he's offering to take care of your pet if you get raptured. Only costs $110. :-D #fb #
  • 16:58 @oliholz ui guck ma wer da twittert! :) #
  • 17:01 feierabend baby #
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Dienstag, November 10, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:41 @danbovenmyer wow, that was fast! :) what's your account name? #
  • 10:57 YES RT @danbovenmyer RT @RickWarren: If the only people you think are brilliant are those you agree with, you still have a lot to learn. #fb #
  • 13:24 ok this is just silly. hilarious. but silly. #fb #
  • 13:37 Nice! Dropbox for iphone: ! (Dropbox = 2+ GB free automatic online backup/sync space.) #fb #
  • 14:46 does anyone else think it's intense we're going to be living in the year 2010 soon? AKA "The Future"? #fb #
  • 15:54 @danbovenmyer already did, man! :) #
  • 16:59 @tasktop any idea why my outlook connector seems to be missing since my new installation of tasktop?? is it not supported any more? #
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Montag, November 09, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 06:38 @danbovenmyer no clue, sorry. It feels like Americans are more interested in the whole deal than Berliners. TONS of tourists this week. ;) #
  • 06:39 @crookoo @danbovenmyer do you guys still need Wave invites? I got a couple I could give you if you do... #
  • 06:58 "Whoever is wise, let them consider the steadfast love of the Lord." - Psalm 107:43 ( #oyb #fb #
  • 10:57 got my new computer today at work! woohoo! Now installing all my stuff. Fun & boring at the same time... #fb #
  • 13:52 @crookoo ok just sent you one, we'll see how long it takes... could be a couple of days. depends i guess #
  • 15:12 @danbovenmyer ok you're invited. we'll see how long it takes for the invite to reach you. :) #
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Freitag, November 06, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 23:23 My brother David pointed me to this: very artsy/creative/cool/intriguing/postmodern/unique/fun. #fb #
  • 08:35 had a conversation with Dave this morning about predestination / free will. never ceases to be an intriguing topic, that's for sure. :) #fb #
  • 11:08 @dreamawakener until i discovered my geek dream combo with orgmode, dropbox, and mobileorg as the app, I was more than happy with TouchTodo. #
  • 11:27 about to get a brand spankin' new computer here at work with 64-bit, Windows 7, etc. excited!! #fb #
  • 13:39 @tom_mauriello yeah...their $79 desktop app (*gulp*) #
  • 14:04 @noeljesse you do have that crazy look about you sometimes... #
  • 15:16 LOL RT @danbovemyer @wbovenmyer what did u do? #
  • 15:44 And vanish it shall. oh yes. make no mistake: vanish, it shall. @aslanschild #
  • 15:58 "How to Write Untestable Code" - great article for software developers: #
  • 16:19 sad for Stephi since she got a fever and so we're having to postpone her birthday party which was planned for tomorrow. #sigh #fb < a href="">#
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Donnerstag, November 05, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 11:54 @koysino #
  • 13:05 RT @cshirky Wait, you're telling me on this "internet" anyone can type whatever random crap they want in a textbox and click "submit"? #fb #
  • 14:41 @bobhyatt &lt;witty retort&gt; #
  • 14:54 "Never underestimate the [data] bandwidth of a truck full of tapes hurtling down the highway." - Andrew Tanenbaum #fb #
  • 15:59 Wow it's like they read my mind: I use about 75% of these programs. GREAT stuff for an all-in-one installation: nin #fb #
  • 16:09 @bobhyatt major LOL #
  • 16:50 I type in "wikipedia" and Google Chrome auto-suggests the article "beer pong" #whiskey #tango #foxtrot #fb #
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Mittwoch, November 04, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:41 your daily dose of palm-meet-forehead: Consumer Church craziness, Christian alternative to Twitter #fb #
  • 08:56 :( RT @johnperrybarlow RT dudi_cohen IRANIAN POLICE OPEN FIRE ON PROTESTERS #iranelection #
  • 13:03 @Narfmaster no it will forever be kept save on :) #
  • 13:41 @Narfmaster ah that's almost poetically tragic. Your memories are stored somewhere out there forever, you just can't remember where... #
  • 14:53 Excellent stuff: This is the *right* way to use the straw man fallacy :) #fb #
  • 15:03 @danbovenmyer haha "but couldn't you just make it louder and then have it still go to 10" ... ...... .. "but it goes to 11." #fb #
  • 15:35 Orgmode iphone addon is in the App store! sweet! tho now i have absolutely no excuse 4 forgetting anything ever again #fb #
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Dienstag, November 03, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:43 ok i'm a day late, but whoa, for those who don't read xkcd, you've got to see this. pure awesome as they say: #fb #
  • 08:51 Planned Parenthood leader resigns after seeing abortion ultrasound. (and is then sued) #fb #
  • 13:35 plowing through some needed code documentatation. And here...we.... #procrastinate #ftw #waitforit #notquiteyet #okbutnow ... GO. #fb #
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Sonntag, November 01, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 19:46 "babysitting" my own kids ;) while Stephi gets an evening out with friends. Fun evening w/ Mario Kart Double Dash, Shrek, & Google Wave. #fb #
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Samstag, Oktober 31, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 13:49 Two atheists, one "Christian", one not, debate about the non-existence of God: Dawkins' last paragraph is BRILLIANT. #fb #
  • 15:53 Hearing Belle singing in the background that it's "a bit alarming" that she's about to enter into a love affair with a beast. Ya think? #fb #
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Freitag, Oktober 30, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:18 RT @bobhyatt I can't thing of anything in the universe I love more than hyperbole. #fb #
  • 08:49 What the Internet would look like without net neutrality: #fb #
  • 11:26 after getting used to the zillion shortcuts, my verdict: "org-mode" + dropbox = pure awesome. AND there'll be an iphone app for it soon! #fb #
  • 11:46 @tomkpunkt tsts da solltest du doch noch nicht drüber twittern. was ist eigentlich aus der deutschen autoritätsgläubigkeit geworden... ;) #
  • 12:52 nice! @stephi got a google wave invite just 1 week after s igning up on the official page. not bad, they must be pumping out invites. #fb #
  • 13:32 Twitter Lists are cool but are yet another way to feel lonely unwanted and rejected (like a low number of digits in your follower count) ;-) #
  • 14:13 thinking Google Wave might be awesome for conflict resolution...imagine a doc with all communication on the topic in one cascading view. #fb #
  • 14:21 just wants to say my two last tweets are unrelated. :D #
  • 15:26 @CatalystLeader Johnson & Johnson #
  • 16:22 LOL I think everyone should follow @Trupedo_Glastic's list. ;P #
  • 16:43 WOW. using org-mode's RSS feed capabilities I can auto-list my Trac tickets here at work or use a Google spreadsheet's RSS as input. AWESOME #
  • 22:46 happy halloween with a picture my brother took of me and sarah: #fb #
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Donnerstag, Oktober 29, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 10:05 envying @dungeondigger his 10am workday start. ah the life of a game developer... ;) #
  • 13:17 Good (& scary) article on hell by @JohnPiper: IANAT but IMO he overstates Lewis' position a bit to make a (good) point #fb #
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Mittwoch, Oktober 28, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:31 Only in America. Seriously. Only in America: #fb #
  • 14:45 &lt;geekspeak&gt;Emacs' org-mode ( is to todo list software as Eve Online is to MMORPGs... &lt;/geekspeak&gt; #fb #
  • 15:13 welcome to Twitter @oliholz!! :) #
  • 20:10 A normal looking guy asked me for 50 cents for a phone call today. i automatically said no and then had a bad conscience later. *sigh* #fb #
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Dienstag, Oktober 27, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:48 mind still buzzing from an iTunesU lecture on Gnosticism: Aeons, pleroma, kenoma, oh my! time for good ol' Java programming. :) #fb #
  • 10:44 RT @Trupedo_Glastic @soomah I'll press you any available thumbs. // I evencases. #
  • 17:03 @andypotter no! once you've tasted the koolaid there's no going back... ;) #
  • 20:41 jaw-droppingly AMAZING visualization of billions spent on various things: #fb #
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Freitag, Oktober 23, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 09:25 @gammaproduction ummm 676 possible two-letter combinations needing to be distributed to tens of thousands of surprise here. #
  • 10:35 i love how i get virtually any regex question answered in 11 minutes at stackoverflow: #fb #
  • 12:03 LOL my (formerly East German) coworker just said "Obama is so popular, he's like a new Gorbachev." I'm sure Obama'd love to hear that :D #fb #
  • 13:43 wow swine flu seems to be growing in the States. Hope we don't repeat this: #fb #
  • 15:58 hearty luck-wish our new outside minister @Westerwave (you'll his English tweets only understand if you German know.) #fb #
  • 16:00 I meant if you German can. What also ever. #
  • 19:01 en route to RB weekend. Sheesh: ton of stress and work involved in moving a family with 3 kids... looking forward to the retreat tho. #fb #
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Donnerstag, Oktober 22, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 23:06 Yay! RT @acts29 Over 150 Tim Keller sermons are now free. Thank you, @RedeemerNYC ! #
  • 10:33 geeking out about the ${:import} option for Eclipse code templates. Will save me 2 seconds about 10x a day. That's almost an hour a year :P #
  • 15:54 hehe RT @FaithDurand HAPPY NATIONAL CAPS LOCK DAY. (this greeting brought to you by the shift key) #fb #
  • 16:01 hunting static methods which conform to anti-patterns of the world. transforming them to instanced methods by the renewing of their code. #
  • 17:03 good idea RT @bobhyatt haven't stopped telling Janie how pretty/princessy she is..but have starte d telling her how brave & fierce she is #fb #
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Mittwoch, Oktober 21, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:33 sad "comic" that illustrates how I tend to feel about the whole Israel-vs.-Gaza-war-crimes-or-not thing. #fb #
  • 08:39 LOL RT @JohnPiper One of the great uses of Twitter & Facebook will be to prove at the Last Day that prayerlessness was not from lack of time #
  • 11:47 RT @Timmy_Himself: Whoever started the RIP Kanye West hoax, Imma let you finish, but Balloon Boy had the best hoax of all time. Of ALL TIME. #
  • 14:13 @andypotter TEAM = Toll, Ein Anderer Macht's #
  • 16:23 Major LOL RT @danbovenmyer This is taking up too much of my morn #fb #
  • 20:12 having our Rock Berlin lead team, talking about a zillion detail questions. so amazed at some of the big details I just don't think of. #fb #
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Dienstag, Oktober 20, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:58 @noeljesse I think it's - on the whole - very readable + precise. Like I said, though, a few passages are a little too paraphrased 4 me. #
  • 11:38 Just got JQuery to work with our Echo2-based web config tool. I can use JQuery now! The possibilities are endless! *maniacal laughter* #
  • 13:33 @noeljesse dude I just had that song in my mind yesterday for the first time in years. you're weirding me out here, man. #
  • 17:00 hmmm @Radman something tells me that if you can "import antigrav;" you should be able to find an already implemented threaded queue... ;) #
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Montag, Oktober 19, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:11 Hahaha, the latest XKCD is the bomb. "It's OK dear..." #fb #
  • 09:25 Check out this awesome picture my co-worker made at Berlin's "Festival of Lights" last weekend: Awesome stuff. #fb #
  • 10:44 got very, very little sleep last night since my two sons kept each other awake last night, ping pong style. cry/sleep vs. sleep/cry. #fb #
  • 12:53 SO thankful for my wife who's just as tired as me after a long night, but instead of nice relaxing coding, has to deal w/ 3 cranky kids. #fb #
  • 15:26 LOL @CatalystLeader "Helvetica is ju st the Mac version of Arial" ??? Prepare to be stoned by the Apple fanboyz... #
  • 15:46 Nope @CatalystLeader Arial was a cheap nearly illegal copy of Helvetica with a few differences. #
  • 16:33 was stuck. decided to post a question on Stackoverflow. clarifying my question ended up solving my problem. #allabouttherightquestions #
  • 16:58 @noeljesse I love it, use it all the time. I like the huge amount of translation issues they bring up. The translation itself varies from... #
  • 16:59 @noeljesse downrig ht awesomely readable+literal to a few passages where it reminds me of NLT or the Message. All in all: love it. #
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Sonntag, Oktober 18, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 23:09 Best. CNN article. ever. "Asked what would happen if Copenhagen fails, the president said, 'we are all going to die'" #fb #
  • 17:50 You know your son has played too much Wii bowling when he says: "Hey: turkey people!" (meaning three people) #fb #
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Samstag, Oktober 17, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 13:35 "Could my zeal no respite know / Could my tears forever flow / All for sin could not atone / Thou must save and Thou alone" #fb #
  • 15:27 awesome. just awesome. "Conversation with Charlie", by Eric Asp. #fb #
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Freitag, Oktober 16, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:54 Big news for Java develeopers: IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition is going to be open sourced starting in version 9. #wow #
  • 10:48 dang I'm distracted & tired today. OK, refocus (*swoosh*). And...go. #fb #
  • 11:25 welcome to twitter @dungeondigger sure took you long enough. ;) #
  • 12:47 "Even young men will give up hope and lose strength, but those who wait on the LORD will renew their strength." - #fb #
  • 13:13 Hey, @ephigenia, Glückwunsch zum Twitter-Mention von @stylespion ;-) #
  • 19:39 spotify is unbelievably cool. haven't found a single song it doesn't have. it's like napster for free. Thanks for the invite @spotipartners #
  • 20:14 RT @JohnPiper If the baby'd been crushed the world would cry "Where is God?" Will they see his hand under this train? #fb #
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Donnerstag, Oktober 15, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 11:29 Red. #
  • 11:43 Green. #
  • 11:45 Refactor. #
  • 12:23 For everyone who didn't get those last 3 tweets: #
  • 17:01 so cool. A Japanese mystery café: u get what the person before you ordered, the person after you gets what u ordered: #fb #
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Mittwoch, Oktober 14, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:37 Wow: Get World of Goo for whatever price you choose (even $0.01). This is the best game of 2008, folks. Get it! #deal #fb #
  • 08:41 @bobhyatt (re: weeping) I wonder if it was because the "come and see his grave" is an ironic/sad echoing of "Come and see Jesus" in Jn 1. #
  • 08:58 today will hopefully be squashing a big bug with my bare hands. "if it bleeds, we can kill it..." #
  • 11:56 being forced into using an ugly, ugly c++ api is not fun. not fun at all. #
  • 14:09 @Radman what is th is spinning of which you speak? #
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Dienstag, Oktober 13, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:49 @danbovenmyer Hmm I really should learn some PHP some time. Might come in handy some day. ;-) #
  • 10:28 coder's rule of thumb: if the first adjective that comes to mind for your idea is "clever", it's probably a bad idea. #fb #
  • 17:03 Just used Selenium to TDD a new feature for our web-based remote config tool. One "gotcha" with text field entry but otherwise: Fun. #
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Montag, Oktober 12, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 12:01 @twephanie i &lt;3 wave. question: if i accepted a sandbox invite a week and a half ago & haven't got my login details yet, is something wrong? #
  • 14:09 got "company of heroes" for 10€ last Sat.: Awesome experience. WW2 strategy game with incredible atmosphere & depth. highly recommended. #fb #
  • 16:40 @Radman dang that sucks, man. so sorry. :( #
  • 16:42 about to pick up stephi+the kids at the train station. my days as a pseudo-bachelor are over. maybe i'll go get a burger first... #fb #
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Sonntag, Oktober 11, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 23:09 Mall Cop: Surprisingly good. Or maybe it just feels that way cause it surpassed my expectations. I love Kevin James' facial expressions. #fb #
  • 18:41 LOL RT @meyerweb Yo Barack, I'm really happy for you and ima let you finish but Dalai Lama is the best peacemaker of all time! OF ALL TIME! #
  • 20:46 @kidcaki77 it's a joke based on the kanye west incident ("beyonce's video is the best video of all time. of all time!") at the MTV awards. #
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Freitag, Oktober 09, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 09:21 Sorry for this: #fb #
  • 09:30 evaluating the web testing framework Selenium for our remote configuration web app... #
  • 11:10 Me: What in the world did Obama do to deserve the Nobel Peace Prize? Co-worker Lars: He replaced Bush. :D #fb #
  • 15:51 Dang having Google Wave feels like I have a cell phone and the year is 1950. It's a cool toy but there's nobody to use it with! #
  • 20:05 @danbovenmyer nope sry RT @Twephanie Recent invitees do not get to invite others. We will grow from sign-ups and the in vite queue. #
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Donnerstag, Oktober 08, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 00:03 played the strategy card game "Dominion" with @tomkpunkt and Toby. Wow. I love it. It's even better than the Settlers card game IMHO. #fb #
  • 00:03 @Pastor_T yup same here #
  • 08:33 RT @MattChandler74 "legalism spends its time concerned w/ seeking relevance of the commands of Scripture outside of the person of Jesus" #fb #
  • 09:22 @speedymichi na lunchen wieder heute? #
  • 09:36 @speedymichi japp, alles klar. bis dann! #
  • 11:27 thinking that tasktop/mylyn + pomodoro technqiue = dynamite productivity... #
  • 15:53 Nice. RT @Radman WAVE tips... good stuff. #
  • 16:55 did the pomodoro focus/productivity technique today. worked really well, i got a lot done. here's the short version: #fb #
  • 22:52 @Radman unfortunately not, just heard a lot about it and a few friends said they were going to go. Quite the creative deal. #
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Mittwoch, Oktober 07, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:46 mind and heart still buzzing from reading the climax of Dallas Willard's "Renovation of the Heart" - a 2-page summary of the whole book. #fb #
  • 09:15 RT @bobhyatt "Proud Member of Religious Left" bumper sticker. Funny: some ppl think being Saducee is somehow better than being Pharisee #fb #
  • 10:05 @Trupedo_Glastic yeah being a proud-of-anything Christian somehow seems a little self-defeating, no matter what type of proud... #
  • 10:36 Hey anyone out there that I know have Google Wave? Ping me on Google Wave: johnstephi &lt;at&gt; googlewave &lt;dot&gt; com #fb #
  • 16:28 drinking the World of Warcraft Mountain Dew that Toby brought me from the States. Nice. May the Horde prosper. Or something. #fb #
  • 16:44 jquery is die bombe. #fb #
  • 17:03 @Radman patience, Iago, patience... (bonus points if you know that movie). they're still in a preview and all that. #
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Dienstag, Oktober 06, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:26 woohoo! my google wave invite came today! thanks @Narfmaster and @Radman! #fb #
  • 09:24 testing tweeting from within google wave. feel free to ignore this... #
  • 10:42 Google Wave first impression: a web revolution in the making, but still quite a ways to go from a stability/usability perspective. slow. #fb #
  • 10:47 unfortunately it looks like only the "top tier" people got invites to share, don't see any invite abilities...sorry @soomah @Trupedo_Glastic #
  • 10:50 hehe folders only work on Firefox, not on Chrome. on chrome they keep disappearing. #googlewave #
  • < em>17:03 @Radman dude who are you and what have you done to my friend? :) #
  • 18:08 @Radman ok umm ouch. 20 frikkin k is a chunk of change. #
  • 19:48 Every journalist should read this article. Twice if you're biased left or right. That means everyone. #fb #
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Montag, Oktober 05, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:33 RT @speedymichi Chuck Norris can tweet 161 characters. #fb #
  • 08:34 ...but wouldn't it be 141 @speedymichi? #
  • 11:22 gwave in 8 minutes: here's why it's the cat's pyjamas. oh if only i had an invite #fb #
  • 13:23 @radman thanks...we'll see if i get it, i've heard it's taking people quite a while to get the invites...e.g. myself. :-/ #
  • 13:57 @Trupedo_Glastic er meinte bestimmt #
  • 15:26 "dance if you're wounded. dance if you're torn in two. dance broken open. dance with nothing to lose" - Church Music, David Crowder Band #fb #
  • 15:33 @Trupedo_Glastic Weiß nicht, Tippfehler werden in Bewerbungen nicht gern gesehen. ;-) #
  • 16:23 Major LOL RT @noeljesse Browsing The Nines videos on YouTube...look at the "Related Videos" sidebar... #leadnet #fb #
  • 16:38 @speedymichi morgen frühstück mit toby? #
  • 19:08 You have GOT to be kidding me. "Windows 7 upgrade is free , Toshiba simply requires a 30 EUR(!) handling fee." #fail #whiskeytangofoxtrot #fb #
  • 19:13 Wow, u can't make this stuff up: the "conservative Bible project" - e.g. wants to toss out "Father, forgive them." #fb #
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Sonntag, Oktober 04, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 00:02 haha RT @Trupedo_Glastic RT @khad: Q: How many Christians does it take to change a lightbulb? A: Change? #fb #
  • 17:58 Wow. My 4-year old son just beat the final level on Wii Resort: Swordplay Showdown. That is no mean feat. At all. Congrats Joshua! #fb #
  • 19:35 got the new DCB album "Church Music". Great stuff, they're playing to their strengths style-wise. Less poppy than Remedy (good thing). #fb #
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Samstag, Oktober 03, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 14:35 teaching prep on what it means to personally know the Holy and Majestic God. I do love a challenge, but man... #fb #
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Freitag, Oktober 02, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 11:15 got the "go" to write an internal tool for managing our code reviews. will be using python with pydev. fun! #
  • 11:22 bummed - still don't have my invite for Google Wave. My old one from July (which i overlooked) was 4 the sandbox and will take a few days :( #
  • 15:09 yay! just heard my laptop arrived! and i'll take a new laptop over a Google Wave invite any day. who needs Wave anyways. #fox #grapes #fb #
  • 17:02 ok so python is officially frickin' awesome. #simplicity #elegance #coding #fb #
  • 22:20 watching Duplicity (Owens+Roberts) with Stephi and the Higgins. Great movie. BTW, Twittering this from my new laptop. Love it. #fb #
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Donnerstag, Oktober 01, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 06:33 @jcherup Me please!! #
  • 06:46 Ah!! I just did a search and saw that I was already invited to Wave *2 months ago* I just didn't see the email!! &lt;slowmo&gt;Nooooooo&lt;/slowmo&gt; #
  • 08:13 @roycef me plz! #
  • 08:22 @Narfmaster me please! #
  • 08:26 @zachmeier i'd love one, gmail nick: johnstephi #
  • 08:26 @zachmaier i'd love one, gmail nick: johnstephi less than 20 seconds ago #
  • 08:31 @Narfmaster hehe, that's what you get when you mention "Wave" and "invite" in the same sentence. :D #
  • 08:45 @Narfmaster nope still after one. johnstephi before the @, after. would be very grateful... #
  • 09:26 @Narfmaster thanks so much...looking forward to it! :) #
  • 09:49 RT @speedymichi animation of 5k years of religion / good, except: Christianity started 3 days after(!) death of jesus #fb #
  • 11:28 @RealKidPoker dude, u mean blog POST. you don't have a new blog, your blog is the same as always, it just has a new POST. #rant #grammarnazi #
  • 14:00 soul baring time: does anyone else make funny faces in the mirror when noone's looking? cause I..this friend of mine does. All the time. #fb #
  • 15:22 bummer :( RT @twephanie RT @larsras: 11pm in Sydney + done with #googlewave invitations for the day. More tomorrow if servers still alive... #
  • 15:58 @Radman As far as I know, @Narfmaster invited me, but I haven't gotten any emails yet. Teach me patience, Lord. NOW. ;-) #
  • 19:22 Tim Keller has started blogging w/ a deeply insightful look at tri-perspectivalism (king, priest, prophet) & church #fb #
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Mittwoch, September 30, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:43 today I'm eagerly awaiting 2 tech-related emails. one, the confirmation my laptop is on its way. two, the invite for Google Wave... #fb #
  • 10:50 When did people start calling blog posts "blogs" as in "posted a blog at .."? Sounds weird 2 me. A blog is a LOCATION not a post. Right? #fb #
  • 16:29 Haha...awesome: RT @johnperrybarlow The American political system was designed by geniuses so it could be run by idiots. - Tom Friedman #fb #
  • 20:12 RT @twephanie Google Wave invites will go out late in the day US time on Sept 30 - we are in Sydney and want to be awake to support you all! #
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Dienstag, September 29, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:42 Here is a church logo that sickens me because of one single character: the ® symbol. literally: for Christ's sake! found by @bobhyatt #fb #
  • 08:43 here's the link: #fb #
  • 10:06 appalled at people & countries acting as if being an incredible film maker makes you immune from going to jail for raping a 13-year old girl #
  • 11:56 gorgeous live fleet foxes video of "Blue Ridge Mountains", one of my favorite songs of theirs. #fb #
  • 13:32 really look ing forward to having the Higgins arrive in Berlin tonight for a 2-week Europe trip! yay! #fb #
  • 19:28 yay, Google Wave ( is coming out tomorrow and I am pretty sure I'll be getting an invite! #fb #
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Montag, September 28, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:59 getting back into the work week after an awesome weekend talking, praying, laughing with GCE pastors from all across Europe. #fb #
  • 10:29 "That's a bingo!" #
  • 12:47 wondering how twitter plans to defeat spam. the trends idea is pretty much useless because of the spam bots... #
  • 12:50 want to feel like you're time-traveling back 20 years? -&gt; Wahlkreise -&gt; Die Linke #fb #
  • 14:33 Hey @Lukester all my ~ 1500+ tweets before August 1 have disappeared! Any idea why and can you restore them? Thanks... #twitter #problem #< /a>
  • 15:13 @Charles ungulation #
  • 15:16 @Trupedo_Glastic they used to say it was fixed: now trying the latest "fix"... (WTF?) #
  • 15:35 @La_Gregory nice, a fellow GTD cult member. :) what do you use for your GTD system? #
  • 16:56 "The Common Java Cookbook" - wow. 333 page book 4 free. Great stuff 4 Java devs. #
  • 21:41 @LA_Gregory I mainly use "TouchTodo" on ipod. unfortunately i have not got the habit of a good solid weekly review, so i keep losing ground. #
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Donnerstag, September 24, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 00:33 up waaaaay too late because of Picasa 3.5, iTunes 9, iPod 3.1 all in one evening... yeah i know it's my own fault. :P #fb #
  • 08:21 @jonskeet congrats on the 100k rep. how does the top feel? #
  • 08:57 tired. my own fault. but tired. praise god from whom all caffeine flows... #fb #
  • 10:08 I keep forgetting how great JVisualVM is (included since JDK 1.6u7!). Does a great job of heap dump and CPU profiling & tons of other stuff. #
  • 13:04 the famous marshmallow test with some really cute kids. Hehe, pretty funny. thanks @RuthSchmidt #fb #
  • 16:46 RT @LA_Gregory RT @lensweet: You show the depth of your understandings of God by the breadth of your undertakings for others. #fb #
  • 16:56 Looks sweet! RT @mbiang Just launched, a simple team interaction tool for website projects in progress #
  • 22:23 @Radman so let me get this straight - you want the health care system to change? You socialist! ;-) #
  • 22:50 anyone interested in seeing basically the best graphics of any game I have ever seen: Crysis with "Real Lifesis" mod: #fb #
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Mittwoch, September 23, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:27 Hah! Stackoverflow meets motherhood. This totally rocks. #fb #
  • 09:22 still laughing at some of the scenes from Inglourious. "Would you mind if we continue our conversation in English?" :D #fb #
  • 11:25 issues with my Java installations. Firefox/Chrome/ IE all can't display applets. Newest VM doesn't help either. *sigh* uninstalling my vms.. #
  • 11:49 Pretty good first impression made by Brizzly. Here's an invite code good for the first 10 people. #
  • 13:50 just ordered my new replacement laptop over lunch break. for the geeks, this is what i ordered: #fb #
  • 14:08 @Radman yup. you got a problem with that? :) #
  • 14:15 @Radman would have liked Win 7 but it definitely is no must for me, not something I'm willing to pay more for (which i would at this point) #
  • 15:02 @stevenfurtick deepen #
  • 22:42 toying around with Picasa 3.5 - auto name tagging hundreds of pictures is pretty awesome stuff! #fb #
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Dienstag, September 22, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 06:50 Jesus loves you too AND Coldplay! #fb #
  • 09:18 wowed by ReviewClipse Combining that with our doc review plugin Doqua ( would rock #plugin #eclipse #
  • 09:31 @Trupedo_Glastic krass du bist der 3. in einer Woche mit Blue Screens. Ich nehme an du hast dir vor kurzen SP2 draufgezogen? deinstallieren! #
  • 10:17 @Trupedo_Glastic Service Pack 2, ein Update, was Vista selber installieren will. #
  • 10:25 ticked off at Google for making the multiple inboxes Gmail Lab feature require the browser to have a width of 1200 pixels when mine has 1150 #
  • 14:20 Busy squashing many many mini-bugs. fun but sticky. #fb #
  • 16:44 @soomah and don't forget labyrinths ;) #
  • 16:56 RT @CatalystLeader RT @TonyMorganLive Listen to New David Crowder Band for FREE! #fb #
  • 22:44 Inglourious Basterds truly is the best film of the year. So unique. Funny, edgy. Love the meta-humor. An archetypical Tarantino flick. #fb #
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Montag, September 21, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:22 triple blue screen on vista last night cuz of some issue with my display drivers(which I haven't changed in months) #whiskeytangofoxtrot #fb #
  • 09:13 "welcome to resistance. the tension is here between who you are and who you could be, between how it is and how it should be..." #
  • 13:38 this graph is pretty amazing. if it's factual. Found here: linked by @andypotter #fb #global-warming #
  • 17:00 feierabend! #fb #
  • 22:42 major, major bummer - my laptop just gave up the ghost. RIP, overly expensive ASUS laptop. You only caused me pain. #fb #
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Sonntag, September 20, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 20:08 had a great, relaxing day after a fun church service. now probably going to rent a movie with Stephi. #fb #
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Samstag, September 19, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 13:53 teaching prep on "Knowing God". Excited. Slightly intimidated at the importance of the topic: nothing is more important. Nothing. #fb #
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Freitag, September 18, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 15:28 Heh, my company is on Twitter now. Nice! RT @inetsoftware i-net Crystal-Clear 9.1 has been released #java #reporting #
  • 15:44 @ptriller that is true...what do you use instead then? #
  • 15:50 dude. now I understand why there are Twitter spammers out there. Just from the two tweets about our company's new release: 40(!) clicks. wow #
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Donnerstag, September 17, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 11:07 ok so Echo has its shortcomings, but wow it makes life easy. Just did a DownloadProvider for downloading a file in like 5 minutes. #java #
  • 14:48 yay, we just published version 9.1 of our reporting tool! #ifeelgood #fb #
  • 15:35 Lil' programming joke for y'all: Knock knock. Who's there? ....................................................................... Java. #fb #
  • 16:02 @ajvan speaking of which, feel like being an alpha tester for my ever-so-slightly web 2.0 prayer network tool Prayr? :) #
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Mittwoch, September 16, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 13:11 Whoa. RT @speedymichi In Berlin, 2 out of every 3 marriages ends in divorce. #fb #
  • 13:12 @speedymichi wo hast du die statistik wg scheidungen her? #
  • 14:40 The Echo framework has a TabbedPane AND a TabPane, both of which are tabbed panes but are mutually incompatible. #whiskeytangofoxtrot #
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Dienstag, September 15, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 22:13 Just watched Benjamin Button. Just don't understand why so many people seem 2 like it so much: Guy is born old and grows young. The end. #fb #
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Montag, September 14, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 11:22 Favorite quote: "I pronounce you husband and wife."- my dad to Stephi & me, exactly 7 years ago. 2nd favorite: "You may kiss the bride." #fb #
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Samstag, September 12, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 22:26 Hanging out with my family in Cologne. Just smoked a cigar with my brothers & dad (& sister-in-law) in belated honor of Luke's birth. #fb #
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Freitag, September 11, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:33 The man from Psalm 1 meditates on Scripture "not in order to please God but because the Word pleases him." - Dallas Willard #fb #
  • 09:50 @tomkpunkt frag bei, da werden Sie geholfen #
  • 11:54 I desperately need new music. Ideas? I like Fleet Foxes, David Crowder, Death Cab, Bonobo, Jack Johnson, Jars of Clay, Switchfoot #music #fb #
  • 17:01 Feierabend! 4-day weekend! Freedom! :) #fb #
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Donnerstag, September 10, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:45 just heard a friend was rushed to the hospital last night w/stomach issues. if you're a believer, plz pray for Oli (& his wife Betti). #fb #
  • 11:59 thanks for praying for Oli, he's doing better already, it turned out to not be as serious as it seemed. #fb #
  • 14:05 having a hate-hate relationship with Eclipse today... #
  • 14:46 @Radman multiple crashes, issues installing a plugin (, performance problems, oh my! #
  • 14:57 grrrr, eclipse galileo keeps completely hanging up on me any time I do the "Extract Local Variable" refactoring (which I d o all the time)... #
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