Mittwoch, Dezember 23, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:27 is backing up my tweets. They support Flickr, Basecamp, Google Docs, and more. Free if you signup by Jan 31st #
  • 08:41 Stephi's train 2 Hauptbahnhof stopped 'cause of an accident in front of them. Looks like she'll miss her train down 2 her parents. #pray #fb #
  • 09:13 yay! 30 secs after my last tweet, stephi's train started moving again and then she just barely caught her train. if you prayed - thanks! #fb #
  • 10:39 YES! RT @soomah: RT @Loswhit If all your friends go to church then maybe you need to ask for a new friend for Christmas. #fb #
  • 16:47 @prodigaljohn that that statistic is utter BS, based on a divorce consultancy called "Divorce-Online" #
  • 16:50 the "facebook cited in 20% of divorces" statistic is from a divorce agency called "Divorce-Online". Yeah. There is such a thing. #fb #
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