Mittwoch, September 30, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:43 today I'm eagerly awaiting 2 tech-related emails. one, the confirmation my laptop is on its way. two, the invite for Google Wave... #fb #
  • 10:50 When did people start calling blog posts "blogs" as in "posted a blog at .."? Sounds weird 2 me. A blog is a LOCATION not a post. Right? #fb #
  • 16:29 Haha...awesome: RT @johnperrybarlow The American political system was designed by geniuses so it could be run by idiots. - Tom Friedman #fb #
  • 20:12 RT @twephanie Google Wave invites will go out late in the day US time on Sept 30 - we are in Sydney and want to be awake to support you all! #
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