Donnerstag, September 24, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 00:33 up waaaaay too late because of Picasa 3.5, iTunes 9, iPod 3.1 all in one evening... yeah i know it's my own fault. :P #fb #
  • 08:21 @jonskeet congrats on the 100k rep. how does the top feel? #
  • 08:57 tired. my own fault. but tired. praise god from whom all caffeine flows... #fb #
  • 10:08 I keep forgetting how great JVisualVM is (included since JDK 1.6u7!). Does a great job of heap dump and CPU profiling & tons of other stuff. #
  • 13:04 the famous marshmallow test with some really cute kids. Hehe, pretty funny. thanks @RuthSchmidt #fb #
  • 16:46 RT @LA_Gregory RT @lensweet: You show the depth of your understandings of God by the breadth of your undertakings for others. #fb #
  • 16:56 Looks sweet! RT @mbiang Just launched, a simple team interaction tool for website projects in progress #
  • 22:23 @Radman so let me get this straight - you want the health care system to change? You socialist! ;-) #
  • 22:50 anyone interested in seeing basically the best graphics of any game I have ever seen: Crysis with "Real Lifesis" mod: #fb #
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