Mittwoch, Oktober 21, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:33 sad "comic" that illustrates how I tend to feel about the whole Israel-vs.-Gaza-war-crimes-or-not thing. #fb #
  • 08:39 LOL RT @JohnPiper One of the great uses of Twitter & Facebook will be to prove at the Last Day that prayerlessness was not from lack of time #
  • 11:47 RT @Timmy_Himself: Whoever started the RIP Kanye West hoax, Imma let you finish, but Balloon Boy had the best hoax of all time. Of ALL TIME. #
  • 14:13 @andypotter TEAM = Toll, Ein Anderer Macht's #
  • 16:23 Major LOL RT @danbovenmyer This is taking up too much of my morn #fb #
  • 20:12 having our Rock Berlin lead team, talking about a zillion detail questions. so amazed at some of the big details I just don't think of. #fb #
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