Freitag, November 13, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:16 RT @johnperrybarlow I find it hard to trust the untrusting. I'm generally suspicious of the generally suspicious. #fb #
  • 08:19 Stephi sees Joshua dancing by himself after watching Dancing w/the Stars. "Joshua, r u dancing?" *he blushes* "No, I'm stretching..." :D #fb #
  • 09:26 @Trupedo_Glastic lol ging mir heute genauso :D #
  • 12:44 @Trupedo_Glastic oh mann. tut mir leid. :( #
  • 12:56 pretty darn cool flash thingy which shows the scale of a coffee bean, a grain of salt, a human egg, a skin cell, etc. #fb #
  • 14:16 @davidcshepherd bummer, but thanks for taking a look. doesn't sound like it'll be supported any time soon? #
  • 15:41 wondering if there's a way to easily get the time estimates and real times from@tasktop and do some fogbugz type velocity analysis... #
  • 16:59 hacked up a quick python script to do what i wanted. the mylyn task data is at workspace/.metadata/.mylyn/ - nice&easy w/python #
  • 20:00 Just recorded a quick 3-part a capella of 1 verse of "Take my life" just for fun. Check it out if you feel like it. #fb #
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