Freitag, November 06, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 23:23 My brother David pointed me to this: very artsy/creative/cool/intriguing/postmodern/unique/fun. #fb #
  • 08:35 had a conversation with Dave this morning about predestination / free will. never ceases to be an intriguing topic, that's for sure. :) #fb #
  • 11:08 @dreamawakener until i discovered my geek dream combo with orgmode, dropbox, and mobileorg as the app, I was more than happy with TouchTodo. #
  • 11:27 about to get a brand spankin' new computer here at work with 64-bit, Windows 7, etc. excited!! #fb #
  • 13:39 @tom_mauriello yeah...their $79 desktop app (*gulp*) #
  • 14:04 @noeljesse you do have that crazy look about you sometimes... #
  • 15:16 LOL RT @danbovemyer @wbovenmyer what did u do? #
  • 15:44 And vanish it shall. oh yes. make no mistake: vanish, it shall. @aslanschild #
  • 15:58 "How to Write Untestable Code" - great article for software developers: #
  • 16:19 sad for Stephi since she got a fever and so we're having to postpone her birthday party which was planned for tomorrow. #sigh #fb < a href="">#
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