Dienstag, Juni 02, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:56 thinking through how to best solve this. any ideas? no? me neither. #fb #
  • 11:54 @yllwldblly willkommen in deutschland! :) #
  • 11:58 scary: bible verses (ab)used by rumsfeld in pentagon memos during his tenure: is.gd/M5tN e.g. ephesians 6:11 (but not 12) #fb #
  • 17:02 "When u get to heaven God isn't going 2 say, "Hey 2 bad about your family. But awesome job growing a great big church" is.gd/MkGh #fb #
  • 18:07 being a 1-week bachelor has its perks - I'm invited to yet another dinner at a family in our church. i think everyone's worried about me #fb #
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