Dienstag, Januar 09, 2007

Just found an awesome site. But first, let me explain. No, that would take too long. Let me sum up (100 points for anyone who got that movie reference).

A lot of you know I try to use the geeky GTD system for stayinggetting organized - if you, like me, happen to have a problem with being organized, check out "Getting Things Done" by David Allen, it's a lifesaver for me. The main points that help me the most are:

  • Have a trusted "in box" where you simply dump anything and everything you think needs an action from you at any point in time. This makes sure I never forget a great idea I have - yes, it does happen about once a year.
  • Divide your to-do list not into days when you want to do them but into contexts, in other words, have an "Email" to do list, a "Talk to Stephi about this" to do list, etc. etc. That way, whenever you're in that context, you can check the things you need to be doing in that context and not worry about the other contexts.
  • Have your to do list only consist of actual "Next Actions", not big plans, so that you know exactly the next physical thing you need to do, so don't have "Fix car" as your todo, rather "Call car repair place - (232) 424-1555".

    Anyways, the main reason for my blog post is that I found a great online way to do this system. It's a web service called TiddlySpot which hosts your own personal Wiki for free. I'm using a Wiki called d3 which is basically a GTD version of TiddlyWiki, which is a free and simple personal wiki. Phew. Wild and wooly Web 2.0, I'll tell ya.

    So anyways, it rocks, and it's free, and it's online and it keeps me organized. If I remember to use it. :)
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