Montag, Februar 15, 2010

Today's Tweets

  • 07:28 Half of the translations of Ro. 4:15: "The law brings wrath BECAUSE...", half: "The law brings wrath, BUT...". Heh. #fb #
  • 08:22 RT @speedymichi RT @JohnPiper Don't marry so you can stop pursuing women. Marry so you can perfect the pursuit of 1 woman 4 a lifetime. #fb #
  • 09:15 Which of the following is correct? "Es scheint etwas passiert worden zu sein." or "Es scheint etwas passiert gewesen zu sein." #deutsch #fb #
  • 10:52 @Trupedo_Glastic LOL. Made my day. #
  • 14:26 Of all songs I'd be a bit embarra ssed to let people know I like, "Kiss From a Rose" is probably my favorite. Oops did I just tweet this? #fb #
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