Donnerstag, Februar 04, 2010

Today's Tweets

  • 07:30 @geoffashley great resources, thx. nothing about the OT, but i think it's enough to show that Jesus clearly had a high view of Scriptures. #
  • 08:44 RT @geoffashley: Romans 12:9 "let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good." #fb #
  • 09:35 "12SPRINTS is not currently supported in your country or region." Isn't SAP a German company? #whiskeytangofoxtrot #sap #fail @mzeecedric #
  • 10:41 trying out "Thread Weaver", Google's Java framework for writing multi-threaded(!) unit tests. #
  • 11:23 google thread weaver: ran into a major bug right away (, fixed it locally, then ran into another one. too bad. #
  • 11:54 @mzeecedric from where? germany. or what do you mean? btw rt @timoelliott German law requires PAPER signature for beta license to be valid #
  • 12:36 using my lunch break to go on an email-responding frenzy. #fb #
  • 12:46 "Now Moses was the most humble man on the face of the earth," Moses wrote. (Numbers 12:3) #fb #
  • 14:20 wondering if there's an easy way to warn me that i've forgotten to activate a #mylyn / #tasktop task... maybe a n autohotkey script? @tasktop #
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