Mittwoch, Februar 03, 2010

Today's Tweets

  • 08:46 Brilliant hilarious stuff (again) on "Stuff Christians Like" re: Christians and smoking. :D #fb #
  • 14:00 giving it my best shot to get "into the zone" at 2pm. coffee - check. fleet foxes - check. unplug from pseudo-social web - check. #fb #
  • 14:53 @EddyOne - webcam hinstellen, "broadcast now" klicken. fertig. #
  • 15:55 @BeetyVanDeHolz Ah!!! Sorry, hatte dich noch nicht hinzugefügt. tut mir leid. bist jetzt drin. #
  • 16:03 @BeetyVanDeHolz nebenbei: was gefällt dir an wave denn nicht? #
  • 20:28 ticked off at the German iTunes for not having the Season Six LOST episodes as they had promised... so, + proxy it is... #fb #
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