Mittwoch, Februar 10, 2010

Today's Tweets

  • 08:24 so cool, two "strangers" (aka sisters) tweeted that they #pray4 'd my job-seeking friend. Thanks so much @julie_archibold & @MsKDD3 ! #fb #
  • 08:43 @derekwebb genuine question: what would it mean for you for "the sword" to be "wielded well"?? (good luck answering in 140 characters.) ;-) #
  • 10:20 figured out a way to get Buzz to work: get Firefox to act like it's an iPhone: iPhone's Buzz is available. *sigh* I'm such a geek. #fb #
  • 13:47 - ahh!! Buzz is breaking my GMail: it no longer has an inbox button! #
  • 13:53 I figured out what was wrong: setting GMail to force https seems to be the problem, there must be a bug. but w/out https i'm in! #buzz #yay #
  • 14:05 for other people waiting for Google Buzz, this approach worked for me: #fb #
  • 15:18 yay 4 us! RT @inetsoftware: Sneak peek Ad Hoc Reporting - a feature from the upcoming i-net Crystal-Clear 10. Demo it! #
  • 15:58 @djchuang then buzz something from ur pr ofile #
  • 17:01 @gammaproduction and why is that a woot?? #
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