- 08:42 @prodigaljohn There is a bejeweled app marriage counselor APP, if you're interested... (just kidding) #
- 11:10 @leibowitz ...hat ja auch lang genug gedauert. *kopfschüttel* #
- 16:56 Just wrote a bunch of failing unit tests to hopefully motivate me in the morning to get right to fixin' the code. :) #geek #motivation #tdd #
- 23:00 Well, I've decided to fast from Twitter, Facebook, and Buzz for the next 40 days. Wish me luck. Via email. ;) See u on the other side. #fb #
Dienstag, Februar 16, 2010
Today's Tweets
Montag, Februar 15, 2010
Today's Tweets
- 07:28 Half of the translations of Ro. 4:15: "The law brings wrath BECAUSE...", half: "The law brings wrath, BUT...". Heh. bit.ly/cmCQA2 #fb #
- 08:22 RT @speedymichi RT @JohnPiper Don't marry so you can stop pursuing women. Marry so you can perfect the pursuit of 1 woman 4 a lifetime. #fb #
- 09:15 Which of the following is correct? "Es scheint etwas passiert worden zu sein." or "Es scheint etwas passiert gewesen zu sein." #deutsch #fb #
- 10:52 @Trupedo_Glastic LOL. Made my day. #
- 14:26 Of all songs I'd be a bit embarra ssed to let people know I like, "Kiss From a Rose" is probably my favorite. Oops did I just tweet this? #fb #
Samstag, Februar 13, 2010
Today's Tweets
- 23:20 #fb Here it is: my 3000th tweet. I wonder what I'm going to say? Will it be deep and Meaningful? Will I even have enough characters to say w #
- 11:49 8 years ago today Stephi and I decided to officially be a "couple". Words can't describe how much she means to me. Stephi, I love you. #fb #
Freitag, Februar 12, 2010
Today's Tweets
- 08:26 @BeetyVanDeHolz @oliholz kommt, das ist doch bestimmt eure geheime codesprache... ;) #
- 08:27 @BeetyVanDeHolz @oliholz nach dem Motto kannst ja evt schon mal "Stulle" "schmieren" und "Wasser" "kochen" :-D #
- 08:28 RT @JohnPiper Really glad I qualify for guidance. "Good and upright is the LORD; therefore he instructs sinners in the way"(Psalms 25:8) #fb #
- 08:37 Hehe... RT @aslanschild Bic Pens are the larva form of coat hangers. #fb #
- 11:06 After hours of hunting, I successfully managed to slay an ugly, elusive bug in some ancient code I wrote when I was young and stupid. ;) #fb #
- 11:53 ROFL RT @codinghorror: On the Stack Overflow team, whoever breaks the build must wear the experts-exchange t-shirt. It is our shame item. #
- 15:24 louisgray.com: How To Bring Your Google Buzz Entries to Twitter: goo.gl/gbV3 #fb #
- 15:37 @MattChandler74 congrats man! you are such an encouragement to so many people. god bless... #
- 15:47 It's snowing outside. Winters are best when it snows. It makes Al Gore mad. #haiku #fb #
- 16:35 @ ajvan I'd love that, thanks so much. Do you have my email address? #
- 20:33 Can't believe m.google.com/sync only works when you switch to English. For a year now. Embarrassing for Google. bit.ly/cORVzn #
Donnerstag, Februar 11, 2010
Today's Tweets
- 08:15 "Faith is not opposed to knowledge, it is opposed to sight. Grace is not opposed to effort, it is opposed to earning." - Dallas Willard #fb #
- 08:24 hmmm my main problem with Buzz is that I'm getting a major firehose of buzzes and have no way to filter or group ppl i'm following. (yet.) #
- 14:42 @noeljesse what do you like most about Acts 2? #
- 14:43 Man this winter is amazingly cold. I love it! (Oh and please excuse my Northern Hemisphere bias) #fb #
- 14:45 @ajvan quick question if u have time: how "up front" are you in your church ab out controversial beliefs such as women's roles etc.? seems... #
- 14:46 @ajvan ...that there needs to be a tension between drawing tons of "lines in the sand", excluding people, and yet being clear and firm... #
- 14:47 @ajvan ...about beliefs to avoid "disillusionment" years down the road where ppl go "you believe WHAT?" :) thoughts? #
- 16:18 #Google #Buzz Good: Real-time updating of comments on Buzzes. Bad: No auto-posting of Buzzes to Twitter. Ugly: No filtering or grouping!!! #
- 16:37 @ajvan thanks! yeah i see sermon topic select ion is one big key. do you guys have a formal membership w/ beliefs doc, etc.? #
- 16:49 @noeljesse thx, yeah i love the hard-hitting "you killed Jesus the Christ, and now God made him Lord. Better repent!" part. :) #
- 16:55 @noeljesse are the sessions being live streamed (ustream.tv??) or recorded? #
- 16:58 TGIF....T #fb #
Mittwoch, Februar 10, 2010
Today's Tweets
- 08:24 so cool, two "strangers" (aka sisters) tweeted that they #pray4 'd my job-seeking friend. Thanks so much @julie_archibold & @MsKDD3 ! #fb #
- 08:43 @derekwebb genuine question: what would it mean for you for "the sword" to be "wielded well"?? (good luck answering in 140 characters.) ;-) #
- 10:20 figured out a way to get Buzz to work: get Firefox to act like it's an iPhone: iPhone's Buzz is available. *sigh* I'm such a geek. #fb #
- 13:47 twitpic.com/12dss9 - ahh!! Buzz is breaking my GMail: it no longer has an inbox button! #
- 13:53 I figured out what was wrong: setting GMail to force https seems to be the problem, there must be a bug. but w/out https i'm in! #buzz #yay #
- 14:05 for other people waiting for Google Buzz, this approach worked for me: studiowhiz.com/2010/02/10/how_toactivate_google_buzz/ #fb #
- 15:18 yay 4 us! RT @inetsoftware: Sneak peek Ad Hoc Reporting - a feature from the upcoming i-net Crystal-Clear 10. Demo it! bit.ly/dgU0Yb #
- 15:58 @djchuang studiowhiz.com/2010/02/10/how_toactivate_google_buzz/ then buzz something from ur pr ofile #
- 17:01 @gammaproduction and why is that a woot?? #
Dienstag, Februar 09, 2010
Today's Tweets
- 11:58 Please #pray4 a friend from RB who has a job interview in a couple of hours. He has been diligently looking for a job for a LONG time. #fb #
- 15:19 switched twitter extension to metrist instead of chromed bird (which was using too many API requests). btw the apple store is down! #
- 16:03 @amecat hey I just noticed your last name changed and then I noticed you just got married last month!! :) Belated congratulations!! #
- 17:01 feierabend, baby. #fb #
- 20:54 wondered why I couldn't see Google Buzz (buzz.google.com) only to figure out they're still "rolling it out"... bummer. :( #fb #
Montag, Februar 08, 2010
Today's Tweets
- 15:33 overjoyed that at the center of the universe you find not a megalomaniac dictator, but a humble Shepherd-Lamb. ref.ly/Rev7.17 #fb #
- 15:57 @djchuang that code doesn't work for me :( #
- 16:03 @tomkpunkt lol :D #
- 22:41 Pretty impressed by echofon's "nearby tweets" functionality. Interesting to see what other prenzl bergers are tweeting about. #fb #
Sonntag, Februar 07, 2010
Today's Tweets
- 21:58 about to have our family wide bi-weekly video conference with Skype+Tokbox. fun... #fb #
Samstag, Februar 06, 2010
Today's Tweets
- 08:48 love the new facebook design. Very clean and focused. Only issue: the icons up on the left are a little too hard to notice... #fb #
- 14:48 "This world has nothing for me, and this world has everything. All that I could want and nothing that I need." #fb #
- 22:32 Pretty much the coolest Mythbusters' segment I have ever seen. Enjoy. www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWJU6sbf8Ng&fmt=22 #fb #
Freitag, Februar 05, 2010
Today's Tweets
- 08:31 OK so this is "pure awesome" for anyone doing a lot of reading on the web: the "readability" bookmarklet: bit.ly/4mREnc #fb #
- 08:36 Currently reading "A Thousand Splendid Suns" and whoa, it is gripping, intensely tragic, and well-written. Anyone else out there agree? #fb #
- 08:36 "Rashid snorted. 'You don't know what a communist is? EVERYONE knows.' He mumbled it was someone who believed in Karl Marxist." LOL #fb #
- 08:50 OK this *definitely* looks like an iPad camera. taken directly from the keynote video. bit.ly/cA6aEZ cc @noeljesse @dreamawakener #fb #
- 09:50 @mzeecedric if you're implying that gripping, tragic, and well-written novels are for girls, I pity you. ;-) #
- 14:38 "For you so loved the unlovable/that you gave the ineffable/that who so believes the unbelievable/will gain the unattainable." #fb #
- 14:56 Win an iPad to use w/ free @Logos Bible Software app for iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad! Details: bit.ly/L4ipad #
- 15:07 @Roscoetherev congrats you lucky man you. ;) #
- 15:12 @tomkpunkt persönlich nicht, aber wenn @roscoetherev gefaket ist, ess ich meinen handschuh bit.ly/b9uXlh #
- 16:54 "Tell me why you were impatient with your wife.....NOW!" LOL RT @noeljesse: If Jack Bauer was my Pastor: ow.ly/14fOk #fb #
- 19:42 Joshua asked why skin gets wrinkly when he's in the bathtub. I was surprised to find out: Science doesn't know why! bit.ly/db3ymn #fb #
- 21:59 what is going on with the internets? everything is s o s l o w . . . #fb #
Donnerstag, Februar 04, 2010
Today's Tweets
- 07:30 @geoffashley great resources, thx. nothing about the OT, but i think it's enough to show that Jesus clearly had a high view of Scriptures. #
- 08:44 RT @geoffashley: Romans 12:9 "let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good." #fb #
- 09:35 "12SPRINTS is not currently supported in your country or region." Isn't SAP a German company? #whiskeytangofoxtrot #sap #fail @mzeecedric #
- 10:41 trying out "Thread Weaver", Google's Java framework for writing multi-threaded(!) unit tests. code.google.com/p/thread-weaver/ #
- 11:23 google thread weaver: ran into a major bug right away (bit.ly/bFhTzF), fixed it locally, then ran into another one. too bad. #
- 11:54 @mzeecedric from where? germany. or what do you mean? btw rt @timoelliott German law requires PAPER signature for beta license to be valid #
- 12:36 using my lunch break to go on an email-responding frenzy. #fb #
- 12:46 "Now Moses was the most humble man on the face of the earth," Moses wrote. (Numbers 12:3) #fb #
- 14:20 wondering if there's an easy way to warn me that i've forgotten to activate a #mylyn / #tasktop task... maybe a n autohotkey script? @tasktop #
Mittwoch, Februar 03, 2010
Today's Tweets
- 08:46 Brilliant hilarious stuff (again) on "Stuff Christians Like" re: Christians and smoking. :D bit.ly/boZkGh #fb #
- 14:00 giving it my best shot to get "into the zone" at 2pm. coffee - check. fleet foxes - check. unplug from pseudo-social web - check. #fb #
- 14:53 @EddyOne ustream.tv - webcam hinstellen, "broadcast now" klicken. fertig. #
- 15:55 @BeetyVanDeHolz Ah!!! Sorry, hatte dich noch nicht hinzugefügt. tut mir leid. bist jetzt drin. #
- 16:03 @BeetyVanDeHolz nebenbei: was gefällt dir an wave denn nicht? #
- 20:28 ticked off at the German iTunes for not having the Season Six LOST episodes as they had promised... so, ABC.com + proxy it is... #fb #
Montag, Februar 01, 2010
Today's Tweets
- 08:29 focus testing week, here i come. #warcry #fb #
- 09:51 funny to hear prophecies about the ipad ranging from "will revolutionize personal computing as we know it" to "will completely bomb" :) #fb #
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