Donnerstag, Mai 21, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:19 lying in bed catching up on the world. makes me think of #
  • 08:41 just wanted to plug my brother david's photo site. he's really good if you ask me. #fb #
  • 16:03 @bobhyatt "yeah but the whole modesty thing is soooo 1st century, we're enlightened and past that bla bla bla..." ;-) #
  • 16:10 chillaxing after a (rained out but fun) day on "Peacock Island" (, nice feeling to be inside, dry, and warm. #fb #
  • 21:57 glad 4 stephi who who went to watch star trek w/toby & @speedymichi. trying for the first time to give luke a bottle...wish me luck #fb #
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