Montag, Mai 18, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:38 twitter is turning into a primitive meme breeding ground. top trends today: #3turnoffwords #3hotwords #whocangetit #musicmonday. *rolleyes* #
  • 08:39 jumping into the work week... #
  • 09:56 listening to fleet foxes again, realizing it is quickly becoming one of my favorite albums of all time. great coding music, btw. #fb #
  • 12:30 Grönemeyer's "Deine Liebe Klebt" could be useful for cross-cultural training. US and German cultures are SO different. #fb #
  • 13:10 getting back on top of my emails #
  • 16:37 @aslanschild @MrPink banana cream pie?! never had that before i think. sounds good though... #
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