Freitag, Mai 15, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:36 ooh that's mean @tomkpunkt they should have called it "Star Trek 90210" #
  • 08:59 @speedymichi hab für dich gebetet! alles gute! #
  • 09:21 plugging away at a ton of little tasks today. that's nice because it FEELS like major productivity when it's not necessarily so. #fb #
  • 09:49 the only thing that's ever come close to potentially being a "google killer": wolfram alpha. see it in action! #fb #
  • 10:35 looking at code i wrote two years ago, thinking "john you idiot!". i hope it won't be like that two years from now... #
  • 12:14 wow! RT @crookoo coldplay is giving away their latest album! #fb #
  • 13:06 listening to matt chandler give a hilarious 8-minute summary of Empire Strikes Back. for no real reason. yes, in his teaching. so random. :D #
  • 21:10 yay! about to watch the final episode part 1 of the current LOST season...sooo looking forward to it. #fb #
  • 22:27 dude this is intense stuff. 20 more minutes left.... #LOST #
  • 22:37 ahhh!!! the episode player crashed with 10 minutes left in the episode! noooo! quickly starting up stephi's computer to watch from there #fb #
  • 22:57 just finished the last LOST episode. SO awesome. can't believe it'll be almost another year before the final season starts. :-( #fb #
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