Montag, Juni 21, 2010

Today's Tweets

  • 10:29 launching into our focus testing phase before our i-net Crystal-Clear 10 release. atttaaaaa... #
  • 13:25 What do 25000 barrels of oil look like? Using the Unreal game engine, an incredible demonstration: #o_O #dude. #fb #
  • 15:20 Portugal : North Korea. 7:0. Seriously. Unbelievable. #whiskeytangofoxtrot #worldcup #fb #
  • 15:24 RT @nickfranklin: North Korea has glorious victory in World Cup over Portugal, honors Dear Leader. #nkoreanews #fb #
  • 22:02 @Pastor_T i do if you still have invites... ?? #
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