Donnerstag, Juni 17, 2010

Today's Tweets

  • 08:11 LOL. Google has such awesome geek humor. i like. #
  • 08:19 ROFL @ "A very NSFW office chair": #
  • 09:24 @Radman a complaining husband ain't much better... ;-P love ya, bro... #
  • 10:45 RT @mzeecedric RT @flosoft: No wonder Switzerland won! Have you seen their vuvuzelas? (via @scoobeesnac) #fb #
  • 11:31 @vorgestern< /a> lol. #
  • 12:05 as often as i complain about you, weather, today you deserve a pat on the back and a handshake. #weatherbackpat #uniquehashtagsftw #fb #
  • 12:42 why did nobody tell me about the new artsy, 2-story McDonalds just down the road at Checkpoint Charlie? looking forward to McD breakfasts... #
  • 13:33 RT @EddyOne: Vuvuzela a la Kubrick: cc @TedTurnau #fb #
  • 13:40 tweeting that i'm tweeting that i'll be getting some coffee while i wait for the build to finish. long builds are so bad for productivity. #
  • 13:46 @Complicated287 erklär mir mal dein twitter-bild. #
  • 13:51 @Complicated287 aja, süßer frontsänger, verstehe. :) außerdem könnte "mars" gut noch ein "i" und ein "u" vertragen, woll'? #
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