Mittwoch, September 30, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:43 today I'm eagerly awaiting 2 tech-related emails. one, the confirmation my laptop is on its way. two, the invite for Google Wave... #fb #
  • 10:50 When did people start calling blog posts "blogs" as in "posted a blog at .."? Sounds weird 2 me. A blog is a LOCATION not a post. Right? #fb #
  • 16:29 Haha...awesome: RT @johnperrybarlow The American political system was designed by geniuses so it could be run by idiots. - Tom Friedman #fb #
  • 20:12 RT @twephanie Google Wave invites will go out late in the day US time on Sept 30 - we are in Sydney and want to be awake to support you all! #
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Dienstag, September 29, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:42 Here is a church logo that sickens me because of one single character: the ® symbol. literally: for Christ's sake! found by @bobhyatt #fb #
  • 08:43 here's the link: #fb #
  • 10:06 appalled at people & countries acting as if being an incredible film maker makes you immune from going to jail for raping a 13-year old girl #
  • 11:56 gorgeous live fleet foxes video of "Blue Ridge Mountains", one of my favorite songs of theirs. #fb #
  • 13:32 really look ing forward to having the Higgins arrive in Berlin tonight for a 2-week Europe trip! yay! #fb #
  • 19:28 yay, Google Wave ( is coming out tomorrow and I am pretty sure I'll be getting an invite! #fb #
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Montag, September 28, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:59 getting back into the work week after an awesome weekend talking, praying, laughing with GCE pastors from all across Europe. #fb #
  • 10:29 "That's a bingo!" #
  • 12:47 wondering how twitter plans to defeat spam. the trends idea is pretty much useless because of the spam bots... #
  • 12:50 want to feel like you're time-traveling back 20 years? -> Wahlkreise -> Die Linke #fb #
  • 14:33 Hey @Lukester all my ~ 1500+ tweets before August 1 have disappeared! Any idea why and can you restore them? Thanks... #twitter #problem #< /a>
  • 15:13 @Charles ungulation #
  • 15:16 @Trupedo_Glastic they used to say it was fixed: now trying the latest "fix"... (WTF?) #
  • 15:35 @La_Gregory nice, a fellow GTD cult member. :) what do you use for your GTD system? #
  • 16:56 "The Common Java Cookbook" - wow. 333 page book 4 free. Great stuff 4 Java devs. #
  • 21:41 @LA_Gregory I mainly use "TouchTodo" on ipod. unfortunately i have not got the habit of a good solid weekly review, so i keep losing ground. #
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Donnerstag, September 24, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 00:33 up waaaaay too late because of Picasa 3.5, iTunes 9, iPod 3.1 all in one evening... yeah i know it's my own fault. :P #fb #
  • 08:21 @jonskeet congrats on the 100k rep. how does the top feel? #
  • 08:57 tired. my own fault. but tired. praise god from whom all caffeine flows... #fb #
  • 10:08 I keep forgetting how great JVisualVM is (included since JDK 1.6u7!). Does a great job of heap dump and CPU profiling & tons of other stuff. #
  • 13:04 the famous marshmallow test with some really cute kids. Hehe, pretty funny. thanks @RuthSchmidt #fb #
  • 16:46 RT @LA_Gregory RT @lensweet: You show the depth of your understandings of God by the breadth of your undertakings for others. #fb #
  • 16:56 Looks sweet! RT @mbiang Just launched, a simple team interaction tool for website projects in progress #
  • 22:23 @Radman so let me get this straight - you want the health care system to change? You socialist! ;-) #
  • 22:50 anyone interested in seeing basically the best graphics of any game I have ever seen: Crysis with "Real Lifesis" mod: #fb #
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Mittwoch, September 23, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:27 Hah! Stackoverflow meets motherhood. This totally rocks. #fb #
  • 09:22 still laughing at some of the scenes from Inglourious. "Would you mind if we continue our conversation in English?" :D #fb #
  • 11:25 issues with my Java installations. Firefox/Chrome/ IE all can't display applets. Newest VM doesn't help either. *sigh* uninstalling my vms.. #
  • 11:49 Pretty good first impression made by Brizzly. Here's an invite code good for the first 10 people. #
  • 13:50 just ordered my new replacement laptop over lunch break. for the geeks, this is what i ordered: #fb #
  • 14:08 @Radman yup. you got a problem with that? :) #
  • 14:15 @Radman would have liked Win 7 but it definitely is no must for me, not something I'm willing to pay more for (which i would at this point) #
  • 15:02 @stevenfurtick deepen #
  • 22:42 toying around with Picasa 3.5 - auto name tagging hundreds of pictures is pretty awesome stuff! #fb #
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Dienstag, September 22, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 06:50 Jesus loves you too AND Coldplay! #fb #
  • 09:18 wowed by ReviewClipse Combining that with our doc review plugin Doqua ( would rock #plugin #eclipse #
  • 09:31 @Trupedo_Glastic krass du bist der 3. in einer Woche mit Blue Screens. Ich nehme an du hast dir vor kurzen SP2 draufgezogen? deinstallieren! #
  • 10:17 @Trupedo_Glastic Service Pack 2, ein Update, was Vista selber installieren will. #
  • 10:25 ticked off at Google for making the multiple inboxes Gmail Lab feature require the browser to have a width of 1200 pixels when mine has 1150 #
  • 14:20 Busy squashing many many mini-bugs. fun but sticky. #fb #
  • 16:44 @soomah and don't forget labyrinths ;) #
  • 16:56 RT @CatalystLeader RT @TonyMorganLive Listen to New David Crowder Band for FREE! #fb #
  • 22:44 Inglourious Basterds truly is the best film of the year. So unique. Funny, edgy. Love the meta-humor. An archetypical Tarantino flick. #fb #
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Montag, September 21, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:22 triple blue screen on vista last night cuz of some issue with my display drivers(which I haven't changed in months) #whiskeytangofoxtrot #fb #
  • 09:13 "welcome to resistance. the tension is here between who you are and who you could be, between how it is and how it should be..." #
  • 13:38 this graph is pretty amazing. if it's factual. Found here: linked by @andypotter #fb #global-warming #
  • 17:00 feierabend! #fb #
  • 22:42 major, major bummer - my laptop just gave up the ghost. RIP, overly expensive ASUS laptop. You only caused me pain. #fb #
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Sonntag, September 20, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 20:08 had a great, relaxing day after a fun church service. now probably going to rent a movie with Stephi. #fb #
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Samstag, September 19, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 13:53 teaching prep on "Knowing God". Excited. Slightly intimidated at the importance of the topic: nothing is more important. Nothing. #fb #
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Freitag, September 18, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 15:28 Heh, my company is on Twitter now. Nice! RT @inetsoftware i-net Crystal-Clear 9.1 has been released #java #reporting #
  • 15:44 @ptriller that is true...what do you use instead then? #
  • 15:50 dude. now I understand why there are Twitter spammers out there. Just from the two tweets about our company's new release: 40(!) clicks. wow #
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Donnerstag, September 17, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 11:07 ok so Echo has its shortcomings, but wow it makes life easy. Just did a DownloadProvider for downloading a file in like 5 minutes. #java #
  • 14:48 yay, we just published version 9.1 of our reporting tool! #ifeelgood #fb #
  • 15:35 Lil' programming joke for y'all: Knock knock. Who's there? ....................................................................... Java. #fb #
  • 16:02 @ajvan speaking of which, feel like being an alpha tester for my ever-so-slightly web 2.0 prayer network tool Prayr? :) #
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Mittwoch, September 16, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 13:11 Whoa. RT @speedymichi In Berlin, 2 out of every 3 marriages ends in divorce. #fb #
  • 13:12 @speedymichi wo hast du die statistik wg scheidungen her? #
  • 14:40 The Echo framework has a TabbedPane AND a TabPane, both of which are tabbed panes but are mutually incompatible. #whiskeytangofoxtrot #
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Dienstag, September 15, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 22:13 Just watched Benjamin Button. Just don't understand why so many people seem 2 like it so much: Guy is born old and grows young. The end. #fb #
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Montag, September 14, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 11:22 Favorite quote: "I pronounce you husband and wife."- my dad to Stephi & me, exactly 7 years ago. 2nd favorite: "You may kiss the bride." #fb #
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Samstag, September 12, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 22:26 Hanging out with my family in Cologne. Just smoked a cigar with my brothers & dad (& sister-in-law) in belated honor of Luke's birth. #fb #
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Freitag, September 11, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:33 The man from Psalm 1 meditates on Scripture "not in order to please God but because the Word pleases him." - Dallas Willard #fb #
  • 09:50 @tomkpunkt frag bei, da werden Sie geholfen #
  • 11:54 I desperately need new music. Ideas? I like Fleet Foxes, David Crowder, Death Cab, Bonobo, Jack Johnson, Jars of Clay, Switchfoot #music #fb #
  • 17:01 Feierabend! 4-day weekend! Freedom! :) #fb #
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Donnerstag, September 10, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:45 just heard a friend was rushed to the hospital last night w/stomach issues. if you're a believer, plz pray for Oli (& his wife Betti). #fb #
  • 11:59 thanks for praying for Oli, he's doing better already, it turned out to not be as serious as it seemed. #fb #
  • 14:05 having a hate-hate relationship with Eclipse today... #
  • 14:46 @Radman multiple crashes, issues installing a plugin (, performance problems, oh my! #
  • 14:57 grrrr, eclipse galileo keeps completely hanging up on me any time I do the "Extract Local Variable" refactoring (which I d o all the time)... #
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Mittwoch, September 09, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:20 I finally am getting around to reading J.I. Packer's "Knowing God". Deeply challenged to ensure my knowledge ABOUT leads to knowledge OF #fb #
  • 11:45 RT @Trupedo_Glastic RT @m4rch irgendjemand hat ausgedruckt, gebunden, in folie eingeschweißt und uns per post zugeschickt. #
  • 13:21 mhm = yup, hmmm = hmmm not sure..., mhhh = yummy! #fb #
  • 14:00 @nieleyde Sorry, didn't see your question about doqua! Docbook support only in the sense that it any text-based files can be reviewed. #
  • 14:21 very much looking forward to #thenines as soon as I get off work, bummed out that I 'm going to miss about 1.5 hours. #fb #
  • 15:02 nice! #thenines is a Twitter trending topic! #
  • 16:18 #thenines is starting and I'm stuck at work. :( I hope the talks will be iPhone-MP4 vodcasted or something. #fb #
  • 16:35 @bobhyatt I bet McLaren won't have a 3-point outline. hehe... #
  • 16:59 yay! feierabend... will soon join the fun on #thenines - can you believe this is Twitter trending topic #1??! #
  • 17:50 watching #thenines over dinner w/Stephi & the kids. before you gasp: it was her idea, not mine. :) #fb #
  • 18:28 cool! @noelheikkinen is up soon on #thenines. #fb #
  • 18:49 go go go @noeljesse! #thenines #
  • 18:56 yeah!! @noeljesse is nailing the importance of a team of multiple elders for a church...rather than having one guy run the show. #thenines #
  • 19:15 @ajvan i doubt it, though I really hate missing some of the other big names that are to come, like Driscoll, Cole, McLaren etc. #thenines #
  • 20:38 "Mars Hill was Paul's least effective place of ministry as to results. In Corinth he changed approach, preached only Christ." #thenines #fb #
  • 20:44 Yup, agree with @noeljesse - Larry Osborne's is my favorite talk so far today. #thenines #
  • 22:32 ok the firehose of awesome stuff from #thenines is making my brain quickly approach major overload. dunno how much more I can take... #fb #
  • 22:46 Dan Kimball's talk was the perfect ending to the evening. G'night everyone, thx for your patience with my bazillion #thenines tweets. :) #fb #
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Dienstag, September 08, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:32 RT @ajvan Just signed up 4 "The Nines." Free online conference, 9-min talks by battle-seasoned church leaders #fb #
  • 13:29 Very impressed by Obama's speech to students. Man that guy (and his speechwriters) can write and hold speeches. #fb #
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Montag, September 07, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:10 LOL RT @Trupedo_Glastic RT @cowpunkmom RT @mrsalbrecht: This politically incorrect picture is going on my fridge #fb #
  • 08:12 though as Lisa Simpson said, it's actually absolutely politically correct because it makes fun of Christians... ;) #
  • 13:01 catching up on a whole load of email that I had no energy for while battling the evil sinusitis virus from outer space. #fb #
  • 13:32 .....aaaand inbox count is back to zero! an audible sigh of joy escapes my lungs. #fb #
  • 13:36 "If u can't handle your kids listening to *their president* for 10 min., maybe consider moving to a diff. count ry?" #fb #
  • 18:50 Stephi prays w/Joshua that he'll have a happy heart. At "Amen", Luke spits up. Joshua cracks up laughing. "Jesus totally said yes." :D #fb #
  • 18:53 hmmm facebook seems to be down. #facebookfail #
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Samstag, September 05, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 19:45 a pattern emerges: I wake up with no sinus headache, take antibiotics, then get a HORRIBLE sinus headache / migraine in the afternoon. #fb #
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Freitag, September 04, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 10:00 About to drop A-bomb #2 on my infections. Boy, did the first one help - I woke up with no sinus headache for the first time in days! #fb #
  • 10:00 @Trupedo_Glastic Wie lief's mit Bolz-Weber? #
  • 22:52 You see the hat? I am Mrs. Nesbitt! *maniacal laughter* #fb #
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Donnerstag, September 03, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 15:04 Feeling worse than I have all week, so very glad to drop the first A-bomb on my sinus and ear infection - thank God for antibiotics. :) #fb #
  • 22:25 Really great article which I can only recommend: Why moralism is NOT the gospel, and why so many Christians think it is. #
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Mittwoch, September 02, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 11:35 RT @epaga off to bed with a sinus headache. blech. #
  • 14:51 @KUJayhawk70 yeah, been off since Monday. Theoretically I'm going back to work tomorrow if things get better..but we'll have 2 see bout that #
  • 18:00 's ear heard about the fun time his sinuses were having and decided to join the party. So now he has a sinus AND ear infection. ouch. #fb #
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