Donnerstag, Januar 15, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:55 d'oh! the heater is broken at the office. At least this also happened to be the first day in quite a while with non-freezing temperatures. #
  • 11:45 dude it's cold. coworker: "This is when a USB cup warmer would come in handy. I could sit on it and it'd keep me warm." ummm..yeah. #
  • 13:39 Interesting stuff - "next year the Air Force will acquire more unmanned aircraft than manned" #
  • 14:06 It's Java code reviewing time, Java code reviewing time...Java-code-reviewing! Java-code-reviewing! Java-code-reviewing and a baseball bat! #
  • 17:57 Joshua to Stephi: "I'm talking English to you. That's silly. Ich sollte deutsch mit dir reden." #
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