Mittwoch, Januar 14, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 08:24 i'm telling ya, if xkcd was a drink, it would be liquified brilliance that would make you laugh. Or something. #
  • 08:47 For all you Facebookers who have always wondered what this Twitter thing is all about: here ya go. #
  • 12:34 Sarah turns 2 today! Happy birthday, girl! #
  • 12:34 @Trupedo_Glastic sorry dude, that sucks. #
  • 13:43 boring tasks ahead for the next couple hours. procrastinating by twittering that i'm procrastinating. #
  • 14:41 dang. the coffee is bitter because our new brand IS that bitter. this way it's more like bitter medicine than the bittersweet nectar of life #
  • 15:04 @noeljesse sounds like the start of a great day. #
  • 22:55 Chuck Norris can create a box that he can't lift. And he can lift it, too. #
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