Donnerstag, September 04, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 23:05 wow the poker strategy site is really coming along well. tons of articles. #
  • 08:38 three chapters into "The Shack" so far. Powerful stuff. But the author's bio is the best bio EVAR. Raised among a stone-age tribe. duuude... #
  • 13:03 6 chapters into "The Shack". He's met God. God talk is a mix of 87% really good, 10% bad, and 3% really bad theology. :) Good book so far. #
  • 13:51 our office stinks like asphalt...i'd close the window but i think it's too late. #
  • 15:37 Dang I just accidentally double-posted a comment at Noel's blog making me look like an attention-hungry dork. #
  • 15:46 does tabs now! this site increased my productivity by I'm guessing ~20% simply by focusing my mind for me. #
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