Dienstag, September 02, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 08:24 very excited about Google Chrome. tinyurl.com/59fuap,M1 #
  • 08:38 The Google Chrome comic almost reminds me of those old gospel tract Chick comics. Almost. :) tinyurl.com/59fuap,M1 #
  • 15:25 love this quote from the German "My Fair Lady": "Du fleischgewordene Beleidigung deiner Muttersprache." That's how awesome German can be. #
  • 21:20 trying out Chrome. Wow, it starts up fast. And it plays CNN unlike Firefox... #
  • 21:43 ok Chrome is way impressive when it comes to simplicity and pure speed. Too bad it won't have addons like Firefox for quite a while still. #
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