Mittwoch, Juni 04, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 11:49 doing very repetitious .NET coding which I just know is going to come back and bite me. Reminds me of #
  • 12:22 a panda bear's reaction to the earthquake in China: #
  • 12:53 how awesome - a tool for finding the day's geohash. gotta keep my eye open for a day with a doable geohash. #
  • 14:20 praising the Lord for the gift of the coffee bean which imbues us with superhuman adrenaline and energy. #
  • 16:20 @Radman ouch, that sucks. #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

1 Kommentar:

Anonym hat gesagt…

CONGRATS on #3!!! Give Stephi and the kiddos our greetings! Any new pics of the kids posted anywhere?? miss you guys!