Freitag, Juni 27, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 08:04 @noeljesse i think the actual problem is that twitter itself has been flakey. more and more people are switching to friendfeed... #
  • 15:38 @noeljesse my problem with twitter is that they seem to be down all the time... see for example #
  • 22:35 @6oclockvintage interesting articles, thanks. out of curiosity, why are you posting so much about disability? #
  • 22:52 @6oclockvintage ah, sweet! what do you do at disaboom? more tech stuff or more idea stuff? ;) #
  • 23:11 @6oclockvintage yeah, still in Berlin. That'd be great to get together - send me details when you know! Oh and....Oktoberfest?! #
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